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About Dave6592

  • Rank
    Born Hunter

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  • Location
    North West

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  1. Know someone who had a Ridgeback x Greyhound that worked very well. Was best to make sure you got to the gate before he got you as well, good guard dog!
  2. That is correct! I'd the say the same others here, Russell x Spaniel. Sounds like a decent dog.
  3. Glad you found him a good home, just a question, was there Beddy in the sire? Looks a nice strong pup all the same.
  4. Very nice pup, looks nice and solid!
  5. Was out walking today and a guy walked past with what looked like and must have been a Saluki x Lab, it was the height of a Lab with a more slender frame and the tail of a Saluki. Didn't look like it could move too fast but I only saw it trotting along, nose to the ground. Anyone had anything similar?
  6. Great idea, keeps you fit as well if she doesn't do her fair share of pedalling!
  7. Is it me or is the son taller? Cracking dogs.
  8. Very nice type, will be a hardy bitch that for sure!
  9. Excellent advice, thank you! I find my aim is pretty spot on when practicing to be fair, I just can never settle quick enough before a rabbit shoots off into cover. Slow and steady sounds good with the foliage as cover, will definitely try these tips! Cheers.
  10. How do you guys get on? Like do you manage many when out with a catty in hand?
  11. Cheers lads! To be honest the dog doesn't pay any attention to them (he's old and just happy to trot along) but will try to be a lot more quiet with the wind in my face. I'll let you know how I get on! P.S don't fancy myself becoming a ginger! Aha!
  12. Hi lads, I recently bought a catapult just for taking the odd rabbit whilst walking the dog, however, I'm finding it hard to get within 20 yards of a rabbit without it legging it! Any tips or tricks? Cheers.
  13. Depending on how long your recovery is going to take, I'd say it could be worth buying a cheap quad and selling it when you're able to bike again. Do you have permission on any farms? If you're on good terms with a farmer he may let you take his out to get the dogs fit in exchange for a bottle of whiskey
  14. All look very fit! Cracking action shots mate, hats off to you.
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