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Everything posted by WhiteRabbit

  1. Welcome to the forum Robbo. Excellent introduction and it's great to see that you're keeping traditions with your father. I hope you enjoy your stay here, that you enjoy the sports you do and possibly share your stories. Catch you around White
  2. Hey matey! Welcome to the forum. How are you doing and any particular you came to join the mad house? Haha What sort of sports are you into and any background of your sport/s? Enjoy your stay pal White
  3. They're beautiful matey, really interested in the dark one... I'm (fairly) new to ferrets but not seen one like that before ^_^ Glad the Jill is well n'all too! Would like to see and hear more about them too as time goes on White
  4. Yeah. Something like: there's more domesticated lions and tigers in the United States alone, than in the wild.
  5. Close to my immediate family although parents have separated I don't see my dad much but I have relations in Wrexham I've pried myself apart from. Lots of snobbery considering were related and from a small family. Family should be here for one another, than to compete against in life. However, as they say. You can choose your friends but can't choose your family
  6. It's a shame pal and the fact I'm out of fund or I'd be straight onto this. Tried one today ...... I'm in love dude!
  7. That's a nice set up, someones going to snap this up soon
  8. I'm guessing each pellet for each rifle. Mine seem to be doing fine and I wouldn't fault the RWS. I've got AA and they're nice groupings at the range.... In the field they're very easily influenced by with wind or not as accurate as I hope for :-/ I'm using Bisley at the moment, not entirely sure what to make of them. I'll let you know how things go White
  9. Do not borrow money, simple as
  10. Well, vans like that used to circle the primary schools when I was younger offering boys and girls sweets and puppies in the back of it... Perhaps why it's so cheap? Lol
  11. Nice hunting and what a beautiful country you live in. Where about is it you hunt? I have a good friend in Trondheim I plan on visiting in the near future White
  12. Got that LOTR vibe about it, very nice
  13. www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/forum/187-dymented-auction/ It's now pinned on the bottom of the General Talk topics
  14. Sorry pal, thought you were being sarcastic, not that you were asking a question I'll get you the link now. Apologies
  15. Nice footage, does it take you a while to capture the wildlife or is it all down to the editing? White
  16. Yeah, that didn't really answer the question. However, I did find the auction.
  17. But surely If they're over here illegally, with no papers or proof of identity and rights to be here, living completely off the grid.... if anything happened to them they'd still be untraceable, right? Wouldn't that be unfortunate should they all come over from Calais on a boat that goes missing LOL
  18. And they still come over and try infringing their religions and previous countries laws on to us...some sort of "promised land" or doormat we must be. Lol Personally, if they're that set on coming over here, get them to swim over or push them in the channel anyway. If they make it across, then I doff my hat to the. White
  19. This has to be done, I'll sign up to be a donator if that helps? Lol
  20. Surely there's football forums out there? 0_o
  21. Hi Bud, I don't see why they shouldn't if the forum/site is expanding further. Ideally though, I think you should be using the forum a little more than 6 posts before you get picky You say you do a lot of field sports, so you have no reason not to join in. White
  22. What's up for grabs?
  23. Lol not exactly Realtree but close enough
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