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Everything posted by delboy_187

  1. We know now who the shirt lifters are. Load shit shovers an sausage munchers reply's . . . Mugs behind a key pad.
  2. Shot penicillin bit blue stay
  3. Hi lads I'm from Dublin Jason's the name just looking for any one ever interested in goin for walk. lamp etc . Outgoin easy to talk to . I mostly just lamp an bit of bushing an ferreting . But would like to tag along see how others work coursing digging anything . Have my own essentials.
  4. delboy_187


    I speechless poor lad sorry to hear this . Poxy knackers is what they are
  5. Cheers problem was fleas . Little triangle patches started to appear.coat getting better
  6. f**k the lot of the sphycic Sally s on this post we done well .delighted for every b*****d crabbing united. ? ? Glory glory man united . Did you here the fans chearing on the boys. ? ? ?
  7. Ill hunt month in month out not a season hunter me lamping in the autumn an winter and bushing with terriers in spring and summer . ? ? Couldnt give shi for permission
  8. Great pictures mate .got three chicks myself yeterday morn out my canarys so hope all gos well .atb
  9. Welcome lad Great forum allways a good read
  10. She 9 months so could be comin into season . Haven't changed her diet . Could it be lice got a good few out of her coat with brush so gave her a dose .The rabbits I last came back with were destroyed in flea's
  11. Agree allways a smart arse bein a keyboard hard man. . Changes the topic. . .
  12. Are looking to buy a bitch . Can't see any one letting you just cover there dogs to give you a pup.
  13. This was real stuff I looking at . Proper footage. I know it the worst cases hoping people will open there eye's but f**k me it's proper evil to be able to continue this with out a care an Evan a smile as they. Force dogs heads into a sort mid evil head stock then electrocuting it . . . . Satanic yellow pissy c**ts
  14. Sorry to hear mate best of luck. Hope she get safe home
  15. My blood is boiling with anger I'd love to take a length of copper flex an slaughter each slanty eyed pox in the video
  16. Lads just after watching few video's on dogs an fur trade in china . There people are disgusting smelly evil b*****ds electrocutiong cutting or bludgeoning the animals to death an skinning them . In one part a poor dog had bein skinned alive an threw into a pile . The poor animal how I don't know had the strength to lift its head an look around . Like somethin from a horror film all the dogs are severely traumatised and beaten as the chinky yellow c**ts think the meat is nicer when beaten . Just want know what people think of this Shi co why there is nothin bein done. We as humans can be so cr
  17. Smelly rats all they are I'd eat the face off the c**ts . Next tramp comes round your yard blow the back ovem. . . Had bin some one knew they where there
  18. delboy_187


    Well lads if they pay peanuts theyll get monkeys
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