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Everything posted by delboy_187

  1. Cheers lads never paid any attention till I was closing the door of my canary shed. spotted this f****r loitering about . Got the shits had a nose around an spotted loads them . This one was biggest body like marble real glossy colour
  2. Saluki grey x deer grey bull 8 moths here
  3. nice dog mate same as me own bitch same breed to
  4. Cool no probs . Just seen you said no buckles they have clips buckles d rings o rings everything . Just tryin help lad out .
  5. Did squash him body like a marble should seen Brown shit that came out this dude
  6. Good job mate well done there a site called . Google search Creative design works brass hardware . All what you need there turn a few pound
  7. Does any one know any trials or suggestions to eliminate these nasty things with out the need to hire an exterminator cheers delboy. My garden is crawling with them im afraid for the kids as it gets colder they might decide to move in to the house
  8. Where you go a bunny farm ha. f**k me you'll have nothing left by December at that rate . Fair play lads
  9. Petty b*****ds . It's a Pitty no gps microchps made only collars put an end to all this shit .something I fear so bad
  10. The good ones don't get sold . That what I've learnt . .bought few bagels threw the years . Best to bring em on yourself an who ever don't make the grade . Slan mo charra
  11. My type small an neat no cover to big or small
  12. Happened to us before some lads jumped car on back road. Near us helicopter an all above us must have seen the dogs on infrared or something cause we weren't bothered either . This is in tallahgt
  13. Cheers lads. For comments made balls of topic. a hare in there somewhere to.mine an her first B-) she 13 months . So looking forward to her first proper season
  14. Had good night last night apart from blisters over the poxy boots . Hare in there somewhere too . Before you all start didn't suss was a hare till dog ran it from its seat . To be honest my first ever hare pups aswel an to be fare I seen faster bunny's :-/
  15. Hose the c**t till she stops every time she starts squirt her . Worked for me
  16. sick lamping same grounds . Try bit digging or coursing test the pup
  17. an lad with a funny mouth I don't like an before knows no a man who lives a cross water in a different country .who is or would be irrelevant from my topic
  18. to a queer it might Peter load Jack Ass's
  19. why you queer minded tryin be f***ing smart . Maclovin lol
  20. come to jobstown tallahgt I'll show you bumming your the closest .
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