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Everything posted by delboy_187

  1. Delboy have you taken them as pictures or stills from a video ?.....ive just had a similar camera but I cant suss it all out yet......is it one of them you can walk away from and it takes a picture every few seconds ? ( or however often you set it to ).....I think they call that a fish eye view that's why it looks kind of distorted at the sides mines the same but again I cant work out how you get rid of it..................................I cant be doing with instructions I just press buttons and see what happens I downloaded the app which allows you control the camera via your phone watch l
  2. Just put out the feeders an they'll come . Feed them well threw winter they'll come again next year . . As it gets colder all the small birds stay amongst each other .I Started feeding sparrows while hoping I'd see a finch. 6 7 months later . As the dude says charms of them . No songs Peter c**ts think you mad . An oul pet Goldie wouldn't go astray must be rung . Any thing comes around he'll call them. Pm me Peter
  3. Mule . . camera I'm using is a go pro hero 3 . Only getting used to it an adjustments. Different type of frames if you know what I mean mate . Both picks are from same position just different shots . Only learning .
  4. In cornstore in bluebell mate 3kg for 5euro every seed 5 euro . They come looking be patient only needs one to find you. Have you or you neighbors trees. All sorts in front of me every finch and garden bird lovely to watch in your garden
  5. I know they called a charm . But sure could of said loads bunches bundles groups pair's . An the average Joe will still get my drift ;-). .
  6. Sorry for your loss . You lost a friend to
  7. That what I taught ha . ment quality and opinions
  8. You Putin out more than me. Sunflower hearts and Niger . Eliminate the competition use finch feeders only . I notice the fat balls attract bigger birds aka school yard bullys . . . Notin else only I keep few canary and mules in me shed . The harder the winter they will come provided your not in the city centre trust me . I'm gettin chafinchs greenys red poles Linnets . Can't seem to spot any Siskins or bullies. . .
  9. Anyone have or had a pup or what I taught was a pup dispatch a red first time single handed no arse biting straight for the throttle and what I taught was a real timid and nervous bitch out back as if she was beaten before hand it's his first lurcher very quiet out the back my friend owns her picked her up off some lad.but when I seen how she changed on the red I was amazed . I taught nothin of her to. Be honest couple rabbits taught was fine
  10. Looking for goldfinc mule. Must be finch noted in Ireland lads mine I had bread an trained was Eaton . Leinster preferd . Not able wait till next season cheers
  11. Lesson learnt . Birds shifted till shed is proper secure now an have caught the last
  12. take a look at its arse end.blood,any dog can go for the neck once it dead from having the arse torn out of it black dog defo smelling the arse off it
  13. 9 slips sure what you want . He'll judge his gears the more he out he's not anticipating the turn you see he don't know they can twist turn all directions . It will all come just give him time an the squatters in middle of field where he has a better chance . My mate has bitch that is an absolute jet to fast for rabbits over shoot them like an over steering lorry . She copped on.
  14. Sorry to hear bout your pup . But fact that she is young is on her side she still another 12 to 14 months growing . Only time will tell . If it's bunny's you want sure I seen a threw legged dog on here catching them so all is not lost
  15. Look what I caught in the shed thismorn . Can't upload video of moo shreddin it delighted I was never got more pleasure out killing rats but this was personal. c**t had Eaton my mule I tried my best an succeeded at training it to sing finch my first baby mule . Canary's can get for a 10er my mule was more valuable. Any how's traps reset all live ones . So the c**ts can die by the same faith. Cheers people delboy. Any one in Ireland in Leinster with good mules pm me cheers
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