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Everything posted by delboy_187

  1. Fool. fool . Abusive behavior where does he mention the age of the pup fool . Dog should brought out with no lead in safe area ie field, cul de sac etc and if he is as young as you SKYCAT think the pup should stick to you . You being only thing it knows and you being security just walk he'll/she'll follow then the lead works for me. Any dog from 10 weeks to 12 weeks should be well used to lead if not in my eye's you'd all ready be behind . Each to their own keep your smart remarks to yourself A pup of that age is going to be scared of new things if they are not instantly pleasurable. Many pu
  2. Seen a homeless man making these about two year ago in Dublin city centre 1 euro an ashtray Christmas spirit every one buying one .taught sprung to mind . So simple he had every can
  3. Red pole mules Siskin an Goldie mules .
  4. f**k you's to the critics . Hare are legal here in Ireland so don't understand ..... Would rather talk about coronation street on here .
  5. Posted a topic last night woke up now it's gone what the f**k . Where why what the f**k. Load bollox this thl. . Dont understand . Paulus . Gaffer. Any one
  6. I'd rather drag won't get to far before shell walk . Would you lift your dog over a fence gate etc . But as above out with another dog
  7. What sort of div cant even tell the difference between a pigeon and a budgie.... why dont you stick to the frisbee section you idiot ! and what sort man doesn't. Know a budgie from a finch eh
  8. I have a goldfinch hen from a pate bought her in June . Will she go down with the siskin does any one no . She very steady acts purely like a canary . Advice appreciated. And also she in same shed as cock finches paired with canarys could that put the cock finches off the canarys and vice versa . Replys appreciated cheers delboy
  9. Should I make sure there no finch hens in my shed I have a young hen Paired with a Siskin . I reared her since I bought her at market in July . What you suggest as I don't want get rid of her . She catspurely like a canary
  10. Cheers to lads for the info. Keep it coming .
  11. 40 views not one reply . Critics is all that replys in most topics . People asking genuine question and you'll all ways get criticisim very common. amongst thl
  12. Gettin seriouse this season and need as much info as can get . Any one good on the key pad . Just tips and advice . Pairing up . Pair bonding . . At min have 4 red eye dimorphic in double breeder each bit of ever green boy plenty good seed . When and should I expect signs if any . First season with birds was last season only one mule out four hens. Advice appreciated delboy .
  13. Cheers mate . Nice an neat. Called her moo cause just about the letter m on side of her an fact of the obvious
  14. beautiful bird him .just look at the condition hes in an he getting the best of feeding ha ha .
  15. Over forty of them. Out a fortune on hearts
  16. Great day last year . Few panic stations at end last year . Say be better rehearsed this time Tommy eh
  17. I know what my next Christmas box is now ha
  18. . . . Robbing me lime light and topic ye bollox with your nikon ha ha .seen them pics on Google images
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