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Everything posted by delboy_187

  1. I always bring a toy or teddy normally splits the bagels from the could be's the one pup that pushes every one around jumping over his pals i find there normaly the hardest to train too headstrong. Second or third in line for me depends who looks better. How often do you get to look and first choice of a full litter unless it's your own or your dog sired the litter.
  2. Isnt this funny come down from bed to see this on my mantle piece this morn gods honest truth. her mother popped in and brought it with her Don't know how or why.i dont know his blood but this is DICE.her mothers partner who is sadly not with us any more owned him this was taken in 97 ......recognise that field peter
  3. put cock or hen on its back worked for me
  4. Knowing what's caught an what's not. when to slip and where to enter
  5. so that's how you get a merel pitt is it threw a collie is it
  6. Listening to the fureys at min while on the tipple lonesome boat man. close your eyes and imagine what was like paint your own picture haunting song .ps feeling like patriotic lol
  7. When out on a free pass the night befor The cure is more straight back on it.ask herself she fancy goin out for dinner shes happy your made up the nearest beer garden football on kids running around play area and once you keep em happy it's a win win ... 5or6 gone few beers to takeaway not into having kids out in pub all day ....
  8. Your obviously not hitting the cnut hard enough lol
  9. totaly agree with you .that's how I go about it but the eye catcher wins every time .Tmo each to there own an all that
  10. this is a working dog forumthanks for stating the obvious 100% for observation ?
  11. Not every one owns lurcher or wants a worker or a dog with a name people do like pets.
  12. that maybe so but isn't it the colour an looks that atract majority of dog owners to the dog firstly when choosing a pup
  13. Nash the problem is the fai they don't do enough to protect the Irish up an comings in the likes of the ddsl and other leagues when a scout is about and is talking of a lad goin on trial to this club mostly English clubs that being there dream an then those who do make it out comes the granny rule so they can and if good enough will be asked to play for England that's how I see it. Tmo
  14. Cheers lads thanks for the info .delboy
  15. No APBTs ever come merle , if they come that colour , they are not APBTs ,,,some mut has being added I've heard first hand from dogmen in America of the odd merle popping up in some litters never heard of one being allowed to grow on though. If it didn't pop up from time to time in APBT lines why would they bother to explicitly ban the colour in the standard? It pops up in some lines but it's undesirable because it shows a link to the general purpose farm bulldogs used as backcrosses in the early days of the breed. It doesn't make dogs expressing the merle gene any less pure though, just an
  16. no don't own one mate that's how the colour came about in the pitts.years of breading sure there sites purely for merel pitts. They can't be ikc or akc cause not pure breed only merel mastiff aloud to reg is the great dane. As i said i don't own him mate does.del
  17. Lads what way yous treat your birds including natives during the moult I've one or two started
  18. They came about by cross breeding of a catahoula leopard dog fact.hes covered plenty biches
  19. Lads I don't own him just put few pics up some ask I don't and wouldn't use him either.seen some lovely coloured pups from him chocolate merel .. atb del
  20. in the dark still fooked car lights off lamp for you self too bring him onto a road he won't like nice little backroad
  21. No good if blind the cnut with tracer 170 100w bulb with your lamp a suss used over here into a ditch with em ha ha
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