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Everything posted by delboy_187

  1. good animals well trained black dog working other side the fence .trying my own bitch using treats soon as treats gone loses interest were still trying tbh when i send her far side tell her stay nout has ever bolted ithink that what ineed for the penny to drop. whats yuor secret
  2. that my taughts seen to much to early have you ever pulled him off and dispacth youself prob thinks his bit is done. could change for as hes still young tjmo.some muts when tired act up had bitch could slip 150 just say yards at siiter nailed then few times slip her bout 20 yards stand still acting the tick make you laugh collie brain
  3. make point clear enough thered be no backlash
  4. just offerd a large fox trap to a lad take it catch c**ts bring him round they soon come out .thats my dag.demand money off c**t
  5. bin told ham is no for dogs any one heard this ..mine love it
  6. is it ok to give my natives and canarys some turkey or ham
  7. any mods help me out cheers
  8. its same every site some put time in some couldnt give shit bet the good ones aint wandering ..no problem with them tbh reared around travs member in eaely nintys they be up on every green .knocking your door aliminuim milk turn in an oul pram asking to be filled with water lol funny shit waking upto garden full piebalds
  9. i know one or two in there pete still pissing in wind but a phone call honestly woulnd change it cnuts hand each other up .in with a knacker wacker explaine your piece.id boil kettle for the next visitor poisen them cuase wont stop .went view patterdale one time the lad says there he is out there im lookint at pole bout 20 yards from trailer not seeing nout lad whitsles fcuking dog had no kennell hed dug himself an earth for shelter i was amazed
  10. I actually added a paragraph to my original post, and it answered your question sorry like looking threw key hole them pics pal didnt notice them big rodents that cross should be well capable
  11. weird choice depends what your goin to be hunting what quarry you plan on mooching
  12. wrapping paper wasnt either of their lists lol
  13. prob seen to much stick you say hes 2an a half and was working last year prob seen to much to early or hes to clever leaving it to you when break trough. that just my opinion
  14. id prefer them wrapped but cant change now two girls none the wiser .when we only had 1 girl her first and second xmas we had open the prezzies any ways . they still woke up over the moon
  15. as said dog will let you know by then you will know yourself .apart from injured or in pain
  16. no money left lol na weve bin same since they nippers . i voted wrapped she voted leave them.twas a unanimis decision gifts from mam and dad do be wrapped
  17. santa has left the building good night an merry Christmas
  18. Cheers bird I know all about wrist injuries mate well taught I did. Soon as seen it swollen I was pissed big time never taught check for cut or anything here's to hoping
  19. lads as it happened on erly ours coming into sunday.i had hold out till tuesday to see brian jones in dublin so id bin advised just hose down by him till with cold water take swelling down any ways visited brian that morn checked her out going wright trough her from wrist along her back nothing not flinch started back at her paws to find nice split in pad an between toe feel stupid didnt notice it ."ther ye are" he says so gave couple shots and some anti biotec. 35 quid well spent in my eyes heres to praying it just tat 2 days tablets limp swelling seems to have gone a lot could that cause
  20. cheers lads for replys. not helping it a sunday will have to wait till morn for bone man.have bone radial will use some after im finished steeping her foot.cheers lads .you can now tell shes laim. back to cage rest again
  21. so whos dogs are coverd if not your own
  22. mate you,ll get fork all advice off the majority prob affraid getting stick for their opinons.or just lazy cnuts that only opinion they give is abuse and cheak cuase they cant be wrong then ..... must be known have so many posts topics etc.. for what its worth id leave trap out fix the smelliest pice rabbit or what ever hes bin killing insde without bein set cover trap up and that my taghts it helps if there has bin a charlie in trap before reason scent attracts or makes him more comfartable. tmo
  23. bump... lads be lying saying i not in a panic over this i couldnt and wouldnt be aloud another dog in my yard
  24. 3rd round was the decider.getting dropped twice poxed him . kell and jones had a great scrap kell nearly felt the canvas in the 12th but toughed it out landing nice points while jones knew he needed power. some great fights past couple weeks .
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