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Everything posted by delboy_187

  1. honestly dont if I end up meeting as planned I could get it fars dublin
  2. lovely fish the wrasse I think hes male an female are plain orange/gold .cought nice one out boat fishing in killmore Quay
  3. hope to be collecting one during week.
  4. Pete if you still have my num private message it to this lad pls .as I cant cheers
  5. neither do I was planning on using a friend for it . ill get a lad from here to pm you if I can
  6. have you face book I cant send pm on this for some reason mate
  7. hows pups are they ready yet matepups are in great form.just 3 weeks old now lad were you from im bein hounded for a pup mate
  8. if I can wait ill pm you mate cheers
  9. Cheers mate if I can get the little one hold ready in two weeks mate
  10. Quality videos .best iv seen by far with ferrets
  11. thinking the very same farmer pissed someone off so they hit him where it hurts in the pocket. . . That's personal ..for every action there's a reaction
  12. Another good video well done
  13. Star paper had write up bout these ticks now channel 4 making a program. .. lads I know we're friends on it don't no how it works an can't stand it . I said to a friend of mine watch an to be careful.... that was before the pudding now it's on the net an tabloids. ... got a call saying you were right .....told you so I said
  14. Is any one on the thread dedicated finch breeders . Iv a question if any one can help cheers. Last season my pair filled an cracked two clutches but never fed the young I lost 9 young to this . Don't want same results again .... iv 2 hen canarys running with finch cock an hen in a flight.. rest in breeders for selective breeding
  15. Nash had you any success breeding your finches last year cheers del
  16. Swap for hen or two or natives might suit someone... same as below
  17. Favourite bird quality shots ....love the fighting an nagging around the feeders
  18. how were the lurchers bred? white bitch ,saluki/collie/grey x .. Brown dog,saluki / collie /grey x saluki / bull/grey .. not 100% sure mates oul lad owned them ... It's threw him I got me first lurcher bitch what x is the 6 legged one mate? Atb ATball sniffing.not sure shepard cross
  19. how were the lurchers bred? white bitch ,saluki/collie/grey x .. Brown dog,saluki / collie /grey x saluki / bull/grey .. not 100% sure mates oul lad owned them ... It's threw him I got me first lurcher bitch
  20. Scum hope they get caught . Dirty jockeys should be passed from cell to cell and rode with a deck brushes
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