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Everything posted by delboy_187

  1. predetor calls, go pro ,sunday world,police scanner app / herself has this baby heart monitor app were she can hold the mic part of her phone to her tummy picking up new babys heart beat
  2. lads was delighted [BANNED TEXT] bitch caught this lad as it is only her an mine second ever fox happy to say she dealth with them better than i ever imagined (by herself )any ways just bein bit cautiose as to type of scruff these carry and what precautions should have with the bitch iv given an advecate ......very paronoid tbh cheers
  3. Got three for christmas from kids an mrs chuffed I was ..Tales from the field. Terriers and Terrier men of Ireland signed . Runhinged dog maintenance
  4. great sealing paint for concrete on donedeal 15 euro a tin pal same as underground car park stuff ..easy cleaned and good protection against the ammonia from piss
  5. Kids can be so evil and females are so vicouse.... couldnt understand all the what what what. blood blood blood wat now wat now blood .. scary having two young girls myself .. tought of them ever getting attacked like that is scary...
  6. Well done pup and man ..choose slips you give her i used take pups out not evan run them just have em watch most the night an pick a chancey rabbit for the pups .. rule of tumb in my pals pups an youngens get all the quaters which are few an far between atb del
  7. missing a rabbit on a lamp amd f***ing off trying to find its own blanking you.sound dont no the term .. thats down to obediance training imo
  8. What you mean hunting up lads
  9. very honest gaz should have a belt on friday instead be cool for monday ..
  10. Haze is my choice pref ammo lemon etc like to chill an smoke joint a walk with the mutts every night tbh . Nice to know there a few smokers .. topic should be pinned 62 pages
  11. Woman says she starting this new sea food diet today "see everything an eat it" ya mean . So I suggested the new brexit diet instead "whats that " garunteed to lose hundreds a pounds in days
  12. is she scratching it along bottom of cage . Mate lost his jill about a fortnight ago to same thing an infection trew her vagina
  13. 60 euro great lamp have tracer 170 dimmer debon 12v 22 amp batt . An still leave with this .. need a dimmer i reckon to top them
  14. Girls mature and blow up a lot quicker lolp
  15. back in vet in morn .got no were last week as there was a stand in vet left as puzzled ass [BANNED TEXT] I first went in .. found myself puttin words into his mouth . he was mentioning sprains strains evan after I had told him it happened from glass an it was just under her stopper pad it took me twice telling him about the cut before he and I agreed it was from cut my origanal reason in the visit and wat were my first complaints were.. how you know it was glass he says ffs so with brian himself in morn .. lame badly after every rest an after 5 mins up movin around back on all fours wi
  16. my bitches night at 6month ended with 3 bunnies and a sprung toe wasnt wort it still soft boans devoloping and joints etc and something could spoil her at such young age fall bang torns .. fruatraion be another . take your time id say atb
  17. had her out on short lead walk earlier .. was like she walked it off just barely limping every few stops she would hold it up on an off .. back rested up back hoppin on three legs for few mins then putting wait on it again ... after many scans off her paw pads toes nothing no resisting from slight pressure.. under and around the stopper is were the pain seems to be with her . talked to vet this morn on phone explained my situation . meeting him tomorrow .. he said she wouldnt be applying pressure if was tendon damage an mentioned tendon infection but wouldnt know till he has look.
  18. hope so fact she not putting wait on it at all unless she walking . holding it up when still barely resting ...... could there be infection goin on evan tho closed an healed over .wrist area is warm to touch
  19. be with vet saterday . tbh id be happy if that was case google is worring me flexor tendons blah blah blah panicing I am would she not bin limping from the time it happened If it was tendon damage you would think she would be holding it up straight away. Not a day later. It could be glass or shit in there and it swelled up inside 24 hours later which caused her to go lame on it. But it's just a guess. Could be anything really mate. was thinking that alright gaz .. when bearing wait on it foot looks fine shes still up on her toes an stretching out the legs as normal . . pray all is goo
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