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Everything posted by delboy_187

  1. wouldnt be too worried about it if your clean an innocent lads . i mean if your out lamping/poaching and stopped by the local idiots and it turns out youve got previose for burglary tresspassing all shit like that then youre f****d any sort previose that puts you in that catagory.many factors will determine the outcome... might be a half decent thing never was one for waiting around for gaurds any ways
  4. cheers lads for replys .yes the dog is unfit. not over worked when brought out ... would i say its exercise YES and probably diet too poxy thing is out of 3 lurchers he has two being bull cross(all on sme diet) .he is the only one like this sometimes for 2 maybe 3 days his diet is high in protein which could be another factor..ill sugest a vet thanks again for replys ....
  5. Simple question and probably stupid one Lads my mate has got himself a bullxgrey nice animal rising 4 thing is morning after running and for few days he seems to be all caught up and not average bit stiffness that a stretch won't fix the dog does be litteraly like u nail as if he's constipated or soma .. my taughts are exercise fitness .. can any one shed some light for me please atb del
  6. Dogs wouldn't go astray can't dig without them lads
  7. Seen before a fool of a man more hunting for views if ask me
  8. I'd call gruffallogriff man's like estate from Alastair lol
  9. Pissin in the wind pal fighting them lot
  10. poxy vixen howling infront of the house ..plus has the dogs howling an crying
  11. Stupid question imo.. parents size can only give rough guide ..it's about diet and lifestyle of a dog .. lock a dog in a cramped pen feed it shit quality diet..see how big he makes to a dog fed and looked after to a man's best capabilities jmho
  12. yes mate first crossfine example mate
  13. Had very same identicle cut new it was a fence as wat caused mine .. Well done nice to see dog been sorted with picks
  14. Nice bag bunnies well done dogs and lads ..
  15. Good comeback well done . Lovely dog is it first cross collie grey
  16. Stop creepy is right.. he'd have met another nut job if it was my home.fork the guards had a break in before couldn't leave the house as herself an little ones were petrofied.. mental or not the affect it has on others call it harmless or not
  17. my mates pug had a skin condition he gave it a ml of ivormec and it cleared that up would of cost a fortune in the vets good stuff if you know how to use ittis good stuff as long as follow the correct cc to weight and I Evan still do be worried as I think it's a hit an a miss atb del
  18. cheers Pete have some to hand and ivemec .. will be doing the lot .. Were did you get the ivermec can you buy it over the counter. Ingram has drop plus think can still buy a weakened form over counter ... have couple Mills if need some pal
  19. Ye won't get your local lol.just American ones very interesting
  20. Cheers lads for reply anyone no wat type demidec sarcoptic or the other one cant think of it.
  21. cheers Pete have some to hand and ivemec .. will be doing the lot ..
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