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Everything posted by tickeyboy

  1. The cz american is good value for money,but if you can afford it go for the Anschutz better rifle with a parker hale mod,good german quality hard to beat(i think)
  2. I am paying £25.00 a hundred for v.shock 17g.
  3. paying £25.00 a hundred at the moment.is this about normal price,have not had rifle verylong.
  4. I think he is a knob,never heard of that befor and i have had GSD's for the last 20 yrs.
  5. Hi all paying £25.00 a hundred for 17g v.shock what are you paying.
  6. shotgun,unless you have land to shot on a firearms is not to bad to get,just a bit more paperwork.
  7. i bet he will not do that again
  8. good shooting,what gun are you shooting with
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