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Everything posted by Hatch28

  1. Your better off as you are the less that no your business the better, there's a club here I think its called Irish working terrier federation anyway to cut a long story short what I've seen first hand of the members I've met and no of their everything from junkies to thieves dog dealers five pound drug pushers and the list goes on ? doesn't seem to be any good amongst them, any fellas that are doing a bit stay well clear of clubs and are hardly known apart from the few they dig with.
  2. He's off the gear now steak knife and gave up the shop lifting?? still robbing animals though.
  3. The way I look at if a man can't even judge the company he keeps or maybe he can and that's even worse then should he even be judging dogs at all and I agree with you all the rossetts in the world won't make them stay if they don't want to but its a show and dogs should be judged on appearance.
  4. I didn't attend the show but theres pictures and videos of it all over Facebook seen a black dog on it got second or third in Patterdale class thing had a head on it like a border, also seen a tiny pet type Russel bitch got first in Russel bitch class can any one that was at the show comfier because fb isn't the most reliable.
  5. Go for it sure nothing wrong with well worth a try, you can let the bitches brothers watch?
  6. What about the old armodildos say they put many a tyke in reverse gear??
  7. Yes they can seen one laying blocks in Dublin zoo few years ago very versatile creatures.
  8. Not where we're from their not just the same as any other dog, still see the odd stray pit rambling about housing estates.
  9. That wheaten was a cracker haven't seen anything like that in a long time.
  10. They have no fear of dogs in kennels or on chains and a problem fox will take fowl at any time of year never underestimate them.
  11. Plenty about here see lots on the lamp and catching away steady in snares but havent got one to ground and very little in covers but their on the land by night.
  12. They have to learn to travel by them selves using their nose, stop end is only for terriers that wont self enter or cant find and most of these never amout to much anyway.
  13. Its better for them to self enter and learn these things by them selves makes for a better terrier stop ending them or letting them see stuff over the sod can give them bad habbits.
  14. Working type staff used to be common enough here 15 or more years ago they were like small pits some of them would work to ground no one seems to be breeding the type any more.
  15. There was probably something else down there either another fox or something else never no though she might have been just running about on scent.
  16. Its not what you encourage her to do its her own drive and breeding say she will enter to fox now from now on given the chance.
  17. Was she ever at an actual live earth before this and what age is she.
  18. Ye suppose your right noting stops a determined one.
  19. Put stockholm tar on lambs fox shouldn't bother them then.
  20. No syndicate around here every man for them selves dont even no what a syndicate is be lucky to see another human here some days.
  21. Sent him up this way? sounds like hes doin a good job.
  22. We should get plenty to ground this season.
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