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Everything posted by Hatch28

  1. They even blocked help from other countries genocide not famine.
  2. A good guess doesn't take a genius to no who lives in Clonmel?
  3. The gardai recovered the dogs in Clonmel on a search warrant Clonmel is a good drive from Slane so they knew exactly where they were going, then the gardai knew exactly where to search sounds to me the people all no one another.
  4. I heard the wheatens and a springer turned up down in Tipperary some place.
  5. I bet it was no strangers who took these dogs.
  6. Did ye find them bet it was no stranger.
  7. I've seen first hand the damage they do they will all do damage when their hungry and there's nothing about to eat they have no natural predators so humans are the balance in nature with out people they would be well out of control.
  8. I've never seen any one let a fox go the way we look at it it's our duty to dispose of them a vixen on cubs can cause a hell of alot of heart break.
  9. Damien Crossan 38 years old
  10. Passed away Saturday night or early hours of Sunday morning.
  11. Who'd have thought this would be your last post RIP Jiggy.
  12. Absolute rubbish it's a well known fact that badgers sneek up on unsuspecting cows in the dead of night shag them really quickly and then bugger off back down into holes in the ground called a set. ?
  13. Is he still digging away what age is he now.
  14. Noting wrong with Mr cooney we could all take a page out of his book ?
  15. I only know a few off here and most people I know wouldn't dream of using the WWW in regards to dogs and their probably right it's unbelievable what these phones and devices can save.
  16. Sure what would I want any one to vouch for me for I don't want anything off anyone and for the most part don't want anything to with any one I don't personally no.
  17. That's a wild statement to make Ive never been called a rat before never ratted on any one in my entire life doesn't bother me anyway and how do you no that no one on here knows me or what business is it of yours, every one I no want to keep their heads down they don't need attention no more than my self you won't see us all over facebook?
  18. Of course no one knows me I keep my self to more or less my self I'm there in plain view but no one sees me just like a ghost there are a few that no me but they won't tell you anything either that's what it's come to in 2019 only way these days.
  19. There was a few down in the Moate show I seen them on Facebook you probably walked by them or you could have even being chatting with them.
  20. I no all to well they won't but that's only real reason if push came to shove that terrier work would be spared make no real difference anyway.
  21. No I've never been to a meeting corkman and I can't ever see digging foxes banned here because there's too many high up people that influence the law here that fox hunt with registered packs that's the real reason it's still legal.
  22. Any one I no in it are bad news one fella that's well known for selling on jacked dogs was out with me many many moons ago was out on a bit of ground with me and wanted to go back that night and rob stuff off the field belonging to the farmer that happened there's another fella turned up for a dig one morning I didnt invite him first off he started to shout and roar on top of the earth then proceded to blowing smoke from a joint down the hole never seen anything like it I was absolutely disgusted to say the least and a lot more went on as well that I wouldn't post on here.
  23. Ah I won't put names on here but theres individual in it that rob and are well known for it and they are mixed up with more thieves and a lot worse than that.
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