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Everything posted by Hatch28

  1. Put a pit in an earth for a few hours with a yolk using his botton jaws for breakfast and see how long they stick it.? you will soon see how game they are.
  2. I dont no what went on either Id say they probably bought them as pups of him because the mother and father were'nt robbed.
  3. The sort that took those dogs are bad news and are well known, the buyers knew right well what they were buying and are bigger scumbags than the seller,its a relatively small Island we live on nearly every one knows some one.
  4. Ive seen it happen dont no if it was in bad health or what it looked ok.
  5. No not yet I asked Santa Claus for a shovel.
  6. The old terrier man must have been digging foxes.
  7. A dog is a dog dig away you might want to collar up when your out lamping,any pics of the lurcher.
  8. Inbred smutt dog from good few years ago.
  9. Smutt bred dog well fit for purpose.
  10. The IKC here in Ireland are endorcing papers of bulldog pugs and labradores if they dont have the correct colour for the standard papers come back with not for breeding and not for export.
  11. Its a bit like baking a cake the ingredients on their own uncooked taste like shit but when mixed and cooked its a total different story I think the reason EB works in terrier mixes is down to the fact they lack gameness and makes for a steadier terrier,thats what I think but no one really knows.
  12. Ive chucked a few in the back fill up and down but I find the earths go dead after that.
  13. Dont think the black dogs made an apearance in Ireland till the late 80s even then and into the 90s russels and borders were the terriers being used thats what was around here anyway in the midlands.
  14. Sure that fella is a well known dog thief him self.
  15. Has he any issues with signal.
  16. Thats what I was thinking signal but they are gps I think thats a different type of signal it would be a cheap system if they work.
  17. Does any one use these tractive collars that are tracked from app on phone.
  18. I've done my fair share over the years up close never had an issue and offen in the dark of night.
  19. Why they drop like bag of coal after in straight between the eyes?
  20. No I only seen couple at a show before I also seen a few harrier/beagle x sealyham bitch that worked cover and to ground their about alright look a bit like a glen of Imal they look to be to big for fox.
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