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Everything posted by Hatch28

  1. Rainy day is your best bet here,go for sandy earths,or look for stray or grass pulled in?
  2. I no of a chihuahua that got attact by two buzzards had a luck escape.
  3. The problem started when I left her loose in the yard she has access to all the land around plus theres leverts moved into the sheds about the yard thats what kicked her off on them.
  4. Hares run in big circles but when they keep getting up deer are worse they really do go for miles.
  5. I'll get her out with a few older dogs see if they keep her off them.
  6. Theres plenty of foxes on the same ground but she still prefers hares I suppose beagle and harriers are bred for hare shes only doing what she bred for really.
  7. Whats do you all do to prevent stop a youngster from huning hare appart from the obvious,I've a six month old bitch just started hunting hare and I want her for fox,shes beagle/harrier over beagle/border terrier.
  8. Quote chesney Its always interesting to here how different crossed work out,did she continue to produce workers.
  9. What way did the choc bitch work did she work to ground and stick with it.
  10. We give them a break around here about the start of febuary you should no a cub set from obvious signs, but theres plenty only start getting out now when the whether dries up.
  11. Done it was at 71% for the no vote.
  12. It would be very hard to inforce that law in border areas I cant see it coming in.
  13. I'd say the people that kept dogs and brought dogs across with them were wealthy to begin with,there was plenty of wealth about those times too.
  14. Ten week old bitch crys all day if shes no brought out.
  15. Their not as game as a good terrier ,game to an extent but not truly game.
  16. I dont no what sort of substance you have taken but please for your own safety dont do it again thats not healthy to be posting that, now Im sorry for upsetting you but it is the truth.
  17. Did Nuttal dig his dogs or just breed from them? Its plain to be seen the bull influence but it certainly wasnt APBT added.
  18. They dont have to be truly game to do the job their bred for they dont take the punishment a good working terrier takes.
  19. It does matter Ive dug over APBT crosses white ones and black ones they have a bad style of working and Ive never seen one to last a few seasons any Ive seen have jacked staff crosses have done better the reason being APBT are not truely game. Theres been loads of terrier/terrier crosses with good affect.
  20. There was a big difference in good staff blood presuming thats what was available at the time and Id say the real reason them men used it was to churn out the puppies and thats a good while back to, it would be hard to judge old staffs to APBT I certaintly wouldnt consider APBT supperior to old game staffs is'nt grand champion barney staff x APBT ?. Now wheatens are them selves hairy gamedogs with lots of staff and EBT added,I can remember a 3/4 pit 1/4 wheaton that was doing very well into pure APBT
  21. A bite from a stripey is hell of alot more painful than a bite from a pit I found out the hard way,you cant compare the two its somthing that has to be seen and experienced.
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