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Everything posted by Hatch28

  1. There is a milder type of creosote that can be bought by anyone its not as good as the real deal though I make my own wood preservative from tar burnt oil and diesel, one part of each you mix the diesel with the tar first to break down the tar then mix in the burnt engine oil,it works well for me.
  2. Ko shamo crow less than other breeds and are not as loud either.
  3. They dont need hennie blood to produce hen feathers I had a pure Mclean hatch stag last year that came 50/50 hen cock feathered no hennie blood was ever added just straight hatch blood.
  4. How do you mean goes to show how much I no what are you on about?, if you cant give a constructive reply then why bother at all.
  5. That muff cock did look like he got some hen feathers on his chest.
  6. Any one on here ever cross OEG with American strains, if so what lines did ya cross and did you get the intended result you were looking for,I have pyle Oxford type bird here and I might put him over a hatch hen for an experiment.
  7. Why did the chicken cross the road. Two prove to the badger that it could be done.
  8. I was on about the predetors that like to eat chickens not the ones that steal them.
  9. Ah you could ask the same question on sabong but its all Americans and Philipeanos on that and they all keeps yanks,I dont like that sabong anyway theres not alot on it that relevant to this part of the world.
  10. Its looking that way alright General lee.A simple poll on it would give a good indication of who is more popular.
  11. Just in general like for instance can Utility breeds compete with Hybrids for egg production that sort of a comparison is what I mean.
  12. Nice looking fowl OTT how do you keep out preditors if you dont mind me asking.
  13. Ah I am well awear of the show pen everything has to be bred for purpose even ultility breeds have been destroyed by the show pen I taught since there was plenty of knowlegable UK breeders on here it would be no harm to ask.
  14. How many of you all breed true English Oxfords can they compete with the Yanks or have they become redundant I'm just curious my make for an interesting topic.
  15. Here is what I wrote, is that not the same as puting (good to good)
  16. Read what I wrote again I mearly stated that as a visual insight as to what genetics are passed from both cock and hen if you read all of what I wrote you will also see the importance I put on both the cock and hen.
  17. Its a well known fact that stags follow the brood hen and pullets follow the brood cock its sex linked trait you will see this first hand when you put a red cock over grey hen, we all no for the most part this produces grey stags red pullets now this is only colour sex link but it does give an insight to what other genetics are passed on I would agree that you can get above average producing hens I have had two of these such hens over the years and when bred to average brood cocks produced far better stags than there popa,but back hen /cock I do believe you should breed the very best you can g
  18. I've seen some good ones and alot more that were real dirt but its a shame if they were let die out.
  19. Good looking fowl seems to be alot of hennie fowl on your side of the water they have almost disappeared on this side.
  20. Yes far to many old strains let die out and when there gone theres no coming back.
  21. Very nice birds good to see these old breeds still being kept.
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