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Strong Stuff

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Everything posted by Strong Stuff

  1. You'll be in trouble if Social Serivces catch you feeding your kids butchers waste ...
  2. If you don't think he's dodgy .... job done. Nosey parker! Can't be doing that well if he's only got a submariner
  3. 5 minutes from my house! Will definitely be there ... Will pm you re: trade stand
  4. Normally August Bank Holiday Sunday. Should be there, always a good day.
  5. Strong Stuff


    Are you really only 23? That has surprised me. You've got a good old head on those boy's shoulders lol
  6. 1pm normally mate, but I'll be there earlier and will get the coffees in if you're coming
  7. Was he Darcy's brother? Thats a f*****g horrendus insult ffs lol LOL!!! All in good fun, no actual offence intended GTE, I left before the end mate, needed to get back.
  8. What a cracking thread! Was gutted to read the "for sale" post at the end of all that though I really hope you get it sorted, good luck!
  9. Had a good day out, looking forward to WhitChirk next week now too.
  10. Sorry to read that mate Give me a shout if/when you get another dog.
  11. I use these a lot, http://www.interlinkdirect.co.uk/ I shopped around a fair bit and these normally come up cheapest, there will be discount codes on the homepage usually too.
  12. Feet / legs / belly / ears, he needs to learn to keep his head out the nettles Seem to be loads more than ever here this year, massive patches of them, try to avoid them but he loves his hedgerows!
  13. That's the point mate, it seems to bother him most of the day, and it annoys the feck out of me with him bouncing around at random Will stick with the Piriton for the minute then (thanks for replies above) and get some Aloe Vera stuff. I think because of his fur a dock leaf wouldn't work so well.
  14. Any suggestions for treating nettle stings on a dog please? This dog seems to be quite sensitive to them, have had dogs in the past that have been stung and do the dancing around thing for a bit, but this dog becomes a pain in the arse for the rest of the day! He'll be lying quietly one minute then racing around the house trying to scratch and bite where it is itching. Obvious thing would be to avoid them, but they are everywhere here this year. Have given him Piriton (generic) in the past, but if he's going to get stung every day then I don't want to be giving him tablets every da
  15. If Mr Bosun is going then I'll most likely be there, in fact ... PM on it's way
  16. Very nice, what size are the Union Jacks out of interest? 40 x 24mm
  17. Cut the fittings off, email me again and I'll send you my address to post them back (I don't want the collar though! Just the fittings) I'll make another collar for the cost of the postage.
  18. Also now in black with cammo top layer and steel fittings, flag is optional, I only have the Union Flag, no others. £20 inc 2 slip leads and normal NON RECORDED postage (at your risk, I will always get a receipt), unfortunately as postage costs have gone up again this week postage is £4 on top for 1st class recorded Thanks.
  19. What do you mean , who's that at the front door ? I mean, putting photos like that on the internet may just bring a knock at the front door.
  20. Chirk 11th May Waen Foxhounds show BHol Monday 5th May.
  21. Nice slide show, who's that at the front door?
  22. If you get stuck you can rub the e liquid on your gums ..... I'd have said that "smoking" is inhaling burning tobacco, that's not what I do, therefore, I'm not a smoker.
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