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Strong Stuff

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Everything posted by Strong Stuff

  1. Been asked a few times for these, could never be arsed trying them before, but a bad man asked me to make some and I'm scared of him 3 Layers of 2" polypropylene webbing, cut to shape and heat sealed at each end, then double stitched 1mm from the edge, these aren't coming apart any time soon! 1" wide 3 ply strap over the top of that, loads of proper stitching using bonded nylon thread, solid brass buckle and dee. Note the position of the dee ........ normally in collars of this type the dee is the weakest point, not in the fckers it isn't! any pulling force on the dee is absorbed
  2. put 2 posts up then my comp froze and they went anyway it was along the lines of mb being an anti .. I don't think he is an anti, he is just saying that when people go out and kill badgers then it creates a lot of bad press for hunting in general because the fact is the public have a very bias opinion towards badgers. The last thing anyone wants is to give antis ways of swaying public opinion until eventually you will be jailed if your dog scowls at a bunny. Personally I don't think hunting a few badgers is wrong, but baiting is not hunting and I find it f*****g disgusting. A badge
  3. That's them bastrds with the rifles that is!
  4. What came first? The brown people or the enormous drug problem killing British society? Seems simple enough to me.
  5. They'd need to be careful with that, if I got gear took off me and had an idea it wasn't being destroyed ........... They'd find plenty more of what they thought was gear over the next few nights. Seems fair enough, steal my gear, lose half your customers. I don't think they thought that one through
  6. Mate it's the Rogues & Running Dogs book, Jimmy 'long hair' Keeling wrote that book and had sent Plummer the draught as he'd already had success with his Modern Ferreting book, Plummer nicked it lock stock and added a chapter or two and then, by way of remorse, added Jimmy a few times in its pages! All of the older Liverpool dogmen knew of the book Jimmy wrote and that Plummer stole it. GTE knows about it well. That one as well!? Old Plummer seems to have been a bit of a thief then! It was definitely a terrier book mate, although it sounds like he did it to more than one pe
  7. Skycat is one very helpful lady, she deserves the compliment, took a few minutes out of her day to explain some stuff in a simple and easy to understand way, my dog has come on loads since I put him on raw, I had loads of questions and she bothered to answer them, for no reason other than she could. A very genuine helpful lady.
  8. On the subject of Plummer, has anyone ever heard of any controversy with The Fell Terrier book? Like it was someone elses work that he stole lock stock and barrel, photos and all?
  9. I won't be selling many this week! Hahaha Fecking mongs on facebook, some girl wanted a muzzle for her uncontrollable rottweiler because it went for another dog ............. my advice? Shoot it and get a dog she can control hahaha. Seriously, the last few weeks I've turned down more work then I've done, can't be arsed with the dysfunctional Jeremy Kyle generation, never realised just how many retards are out there! Photos of pitbulls in skanky council flats, "w.ot colla m.8."?" Not interested in dealing with them. I'd use them to your advantage and line your pockets mate,
  10. Sssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh .............. I try to spend my days watching porn, not making fecking collars hahahaha
  11. I still don't post them though
  12. Pozidrive screws? I'll be having that to add to the collection!
  13. Absolute c.unts they are, money grabbing bastrds, just out to make money from robbing old ladies.
  14. No they don't mate and these collars have taken some stick and there a piece of cake to clean up to. SS slip leads fit a treat to herd of they ss slip leads what they like They are a length of narrow (1" or 3/4") webbing with a loop at each end. I don't post them on their own though, truth is I can't be arsed messing about for £3.
  15. I won't be selling many this week! Hahaha Fecking mongs on facebook, some girl wanted a muzzle for her uncontrollable rottweiler because it went for another dog ............. my advice? Shoot it and get a dog she can control hahaha. Seriously, the last few weeks I've turned down more work then I've done, can't be arsed with the dysfunctional Jeremy Kyle generation, never realised just how many retards are out there! Photos of pitbulls in skanky council flats, "w.ot colla m.8."?" Not interested in dealing with them.
  16. I might as well throw my hat in the ring then as everyone else has ........ Your choice depends on how many collars you want to buy
  17. I bet her friends think she's crazy lol, not many people I know "get it" Bit of a favourite of mine, (I like the real obscure stuff mostly)
  18. The original price of the deer book would get me about 100 miles worth of fuel. I bought the book and enjoyed it. I like JD, he's cute.
  19. In all fairness mate i can only really understand about half of what your saying.......i honestly cant make head nor tail of whatever the spectrum of the rainbows all about .......but its probably me im not the brightest of sparks....... I think sometimes we overcomplicate what breeding for performance/work essentially is......ive always felt a basic understanding of genetic inheritance plus an in depth understanding of the sport/work itself and the dogs we are breeding,along with basic common sense will usually give good results........no athletic dog was ever bred in a laboratory so all th
  20. did you have your slide y shoes on? and me talc did you used to go to wigan all nighters stig did em all in the day ... happy days eh !! some good memorys ---
  21. I'm a twat, it's official. Please accept my apologies for my mistake.
  22. Can't the government earn some money back that they waste on the support of fuckwit kids and parents by leasing them out to pharmaceutical companies to test drugs on? Or maybe they could get some of the fitter unemployed single parents, neuter them and use them for hard working lads to pay a visit to at dinner time to empty their sack into, kind of community service, nothing for nothing. Gaelic????? FFS, why don't you get yourself off "somewhere" they speak it then. Undi, mind you don't choke on his cock there lad
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