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Strong Stuff

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Everything posted by Strong Stuff

  1. Wrong again gobshite .......... S bought a few off me, I was offering to swap it for a black one so he could sell it easier. So that makes you wrong again today, how does that feel? Just had a very interesting pm about you ............. All will be revealed soon enough No work today?
  2. What the fck has it got to do with you? Fcking idiot. S, if you wanted to send them back and swap them for black ones, then that's no problem. That's the second set he's sold in less than a week. Speaks for itself you fcuking baldy auld cnut. And when you read why he's selling them ................ you'll see you were wrong ........... again. So there you go gobshite. Nice try, but once again you mugged yourself off.
  3. What the fck has it got to do with you? Fcking idiot. S, if you wanted to send them back and swap them for black ones, then that's no problem.
  4. Same pool? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-18478979
  5. I didn't do my dog's myself, he was already done, but I did have a few problems when I took him for his jabs because he was docked, went to 3 different vets in the end, the last 1 only ignored it because I paid for both sets of jabs, and got him chipped and took out their pet insurance (which I cancelled 3 months later of course)
  6. Can't afford the goat for you, but I'll chip in for the lube ..........
  7. True mate! Inbred dogs with inbred owners, in my experience. I was joking ........
  8. Because the dogs and their owners are best kept away from normal society.
  9. Don't think so, but you might see Dogginlad move quickly if I get the dildos out!
  10. Deffo, see if you can get that girl and her mum to come again, the ones that pissed in your mouth and made you wear their knickers, we'll have a great day.
  11. Alfie, the show near Oswestry on sunday will be a better one for dogs, that Tabley is all garden furniture and candy floss.
  12. WHITTINGTON CRICKET CLUB LURCHER AND TERRIER SHOW, SUNDAY JUNE 10 Babbinswood Road, Whittington, Near Oswestry Shropshire, SY11 1HY Qualifier for: Chatsworth North Wales EDRD Uplands Bull X And more ........ More details, Roy: 07979497670 Quality rosettes and trophies. Bar and BBQ See you there!
  13. Edited by me to remove an unfair opinion. I have no doubt that the organisers of this show put a great deal of time and effort into it. Best of luck at the new venue.
  14. Granite?? Is that now 4 names this same member has got? Ripstop AA Granite Whoopy doo or something similar. Personally speaking I've found this person to be a little "unreliable", but that has cost me nothing except wasted PM's to find out, I wouldn't bother replying to any more PM's from any of those user names.
  15. I told you not to use it as a dildo
  16. calling someone wanker have you seen the price of postage your a joke blue pocket rocket john a collar costs around £15, so to send it back...with postage just gone up would cost almost a fiver. and then for him to send it back again another fiver...theres 2/3 of the price of a new collar there buy cheap. pay twice. make it right the first time. pay once do you have a collar off aaron? Cheeky c.unt .............. Why hasn't your "mate" been in touch with me? He must be a right fanny if he's relying on you to fight his corner for him. All that Army gear you
  17. It may be an early one before I knew they were being used on running dogs, the terrier collars don't have that big gap because it makes them bulky. But you're VeeDubLee, so you can fck off anyway.
  18. What does that even say above? Only thing is, I've got something you'll NEVER have, and that's trust, it was only a few days ago that you were chucking names on here ................. I can't imagine too many proper lads will trust some hillbilly not to go posting their full names on the internet. For the record, if I was going to copy anyones gear, it would be better gear than that!! As this topic is about lurcher collars, you best get googling and find where I copied the lurcher collars this topic is actually about from. I don't doubt your Ma is a pro ...... As I've al
  19. Mind your own business and go and do something you're proud of.
  20. Are the ss ones eame desinge as o'brians? No. O'Brien uses cheap open weave webbing, are 3 layers thick and no gap between the buckle and d. Mine, more expensive polypropolene herringbone webbing, 5 layers thick, space between buckle and d. Nice try though. There are plenty of crap copies of my gear going around at the minute, if you didn't buy it from me then it isn't one of my collars, and I won't replace it when this happens ............... Buy cheap, pay twice.
  21. swop for several unused loo rolls Fcking Messers coming on here ruining my threads ............
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