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Strong Stuff

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Everything posted by Strong Stuff

  1. Best get stock breaking your dogs lads! http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-merseyside-19045705
  2. My ball bag is hanging rather lower than it was 5 years ago ..... Woe is me!
  3. How did you check he was genuinely a gent? He's never let me get my hand down there!
  4. Hope the weather is good, just checked and it's only 30 miles from me ............ Might have a drive over. Anyone else?
  5. Look at the time of my reply ............. I wasn't at my best hahahaha
  6. I didn't notice it was your first post when I pm'd you! I'll pass on the E.L. book though anyway, it should have a light green glossy dust cover on it, and I've got an OCD
  7. Happy Birthday Old Lad!
  8. yes this is a hunting site not a.......................flog your shit to some poor c**t site Oh fck, isn't it? I best be off then!
  9. Well said Ss, but wouldn't "if i didn't do it someone else would " cover july hunting? Maybe so, but you're not responsible for anyone elses actions. I wouldn't go out in the summer, but that's as much to do with not wanting a cooked dog or one with raw feet than anything else.
  10. Is it not the middle of July in Devon then? Hunting? July? No wonder all the paedos are on FB, sounds like there plenty of gullible people around! He's lucky he never ended up in a wheelie bin with his arse in tatters!!!
  12. I don't think you'll get much action standing around in a car park naked except for a pair of orange boots 3 sizes too small .............. Won't you look a darling though!! Don't forget to post pics and a write up, I've a feeling you'll bump into Bird there too hahahahahaha
  13. Millet .............. 8 months?? Get her bred lad what's the matter with you? Pups will fly out on here, £300 each easy! Only if she's a whippet though
  14. It was posted on here that it was cancelled, the farmer couldn't get on the fields to cut the grass. http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/254645-cancelled-woolley-terrier-and-lurcher-show/
  15. Well, that is indeed one way of preventing squirrels, cutting all the fcking trees down!!!! I like that, it's made me laugh!
  16. Better video ....... http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-18920202 Big plod jumps off the bus ............... does he pull a gun as he gets to where the grabber is being held on the floor between the parked cars?
  17. Why is this even still on here, the evidence it is a scam is in the link I posted. http://www.thirdreichmedals.com/pictures/pawel.html
  18. I see your point CG,but in all honesty them collars look overpriced for the finished article & did i read right in that delivery is 6-8week ? They must be either very busy or bone idle if i read correctly. If it is leather you are set on then give H&W a call & sort out what you want. Compare the quality & price. Good luck Excellent! There's a certain USA based company that makes nylon collars, they quote 90+ days between ordering and dispatch, that was exactly my thought too!
  19. Is that back to the SIA again? Or are UKBA organising who can and can't work at the olympics? Can a serving soldier be convicted of a criminal offence (no matter how minor) and stay a soldier? (Not loaded question, I really don't know the answer) I can sort of see the reasoning for that though, if a lad has previous for getting his cock out in public, maybe he's best kept away from the worlds press! Personally, I think the whole thing is a ridiculous waste of money we haven't got, and I'd be happy to see it cancelled, that stadium should have been a hospital as far as I'm concerne
  20. Some interesting names posting on the FB page .......... not many sound very "British" God help us!!!! https://www.(!64.56:886/securinglondon2012
  21. FCK! Have you seen the cheeky tw@ts content? http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/index.php?app=core&module=search&do=user_activity&search_app=forums&mid=72008&sid=f6056404edf3194046518084f46faf7c&search_app_filters[forums][searchInKey]=&userMode=title All just ads selling stuff. Good job we've got moderators on here is all I can say ............ Otherwise any old scammer could fill the forum with dodgy ads hahaha
  22. Scammer it seems ........... http://www.thirdreichmedals.com/pictures/pawel.html
  23. Thanks for the praise Pat, always good to hear. Mick's collars are for different use though I'd say, I'd guess at them costing a fair few quid, and quite rightly so with the amount of work in them, I can just imagine someones face when their dog went rolling in a load of badger sh*t wearing one hahaha. I do agree they are more suited to the bigger dogs, and that I'm sure is what they started out for, as mine were too made for Bullbreeds, then adapted for running dogs and terriers along the way. I do have a little smile though, when lads say my gear is "too big" for whippets etc, th
  24. Fcking hell Chad, sorry to hear that mate.
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