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Strong Stuff

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Everything posted by Strong Stuff

  1. Oh I'm on there alright! I'm looking for victims, those raw cnts on AW are all too wise to get in my dungeon.
  2. Thing is that without Zoosk, I haven't got their numbers hahaha. Plemty of fish used to be much better than it is now, it's just full of hairy old fatties who want someone to feed their kids.
  3. Does anyone use this? I think it is a facebook extra, I downloaded it earlier, but can't fecking chat to anyone, it says I have to pay 40 quid to subscribe to send messages, is there no free way lol?
  4. Interesting to note that Dogginlad was absent .......................... on the day that the Liverpool Gay Pride festival was on ...................
  5. No mate, but I'll swap one for some more of those photos
  6. Seems to be a few people saying it, https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=missing%20ingredient%20frontline&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-GB:official&client=firefox-a&source=hp&channel=np#q=changed+ingredient+frontline&hl=en&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-GB:official&channel=np&prmd=imvns&source=lnt&tbs=ctr:countryUK|countryGB&cr=countryUK|countryGB&sa=X&ei=m_oeUP7POojE0QWwuYGYDQ&ved=0CFAQpwUoATgK&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&fp=6ffa4f2d8af0d1c5&biw=1898&bih=1021 Hope that works. Here
  7. Is it the new one you've got, have a look if it lists Fipronil as the ingredient? If it is, then it's exactly the same as Frontline is, but then I read recently that Frontline has changed and is missing something now, I know FL didn't work on my dog recently and I ended up trying Advantix in the end.
  8. No! He's not!!!! He's a very naughty boy! Jesus, where you there when he grabbed the doberman or whatever it was? He's definitely a dog that needs direction Or a boot up the arse
  9. If you're not fast, you're last. Try Lurcherlink, they are very very very nice ladies
  10. 07738 930466 I'll put the pic on for you if you can send it in the next half hour.
  11. They laid a coach on from Wigan ....... Had a good day there too, good to see the show rings had plenty of people around them. Another good day out provided by MWTLC, they put plenty of effort into these shows, good to see it supported well today. Did the storms not hit there then? I was driving back to N. Wales about 4, never seen it so bad, like something off a film, nearly crashed a couple of times because the road was flooded and couldn't even see the car in front or next to me
  12. Leather? I don't make leather gear, even the best of it gets slimy when wet, stretches and needs maintenance. As someone who should know once said ............. "this gear is fit and forget" Oh i thort you'd make them in leather and all mate! No mate, I wouldn't waste my time Maybe I should though, I could double the amount of messers I get to deal with
  13. Leather? I don't make leather gear, even the best of it gets slimy when wet, stretches and needs maintenance. As someone who should know once said ............. "this gear is fit and forget"
  14. Tbh I've never had nothing like this before!! But from looking it up most seem to say there loads better than I phones?? They'll be the people who got one stuffed up them free instead of an iPhone! Lol fair enough!! What's the big difference then?? No idea, but I still prefer my iPhone. Fck the Japanese!
  15. Tbh I've never had nothing like this before!! But from looking it up most seem to say there loads better than I phones?? They'll be the people who got one stuffed up them free instead of an iPhone!
  16. Which of your multiple personalities posted that then? Thought you'd been deleted!
  17. "Just like a Golf" Snide iPhone
  18. It's only £385 direct ............ I know where I'd be going.
  19. You've had some nice motors there mate! What are you in these days?
  20. Same here! me too, this was my first game fair back in about 85, so I always enjoy this day out. I'm sure there'll be a nice boy there who can make it feel like your first time again I do like a bit of Welsh, are you putting yourself forward. I'm NOT Welsh!!!!! I just live here!
  21. Dexys have got a new album out
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