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Strong Stuff

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Everything posted by Strong Stuff

  1. Don't kick yourself ............... Wait until I finally catch up with you, I'll kick you enough for both of us, in fact I'm sure you've got one of those faces I'll never get tired of kicking. Just in case you'd forgotten. You're a liar and a snide.
  2. Plenty of respect here for him, I don't know anyone who's met him that doesn't like him. He's a jolly nice bloke in real life.
  3. Sorry to hear that mate, I didn't see that she'd died at first. It was for the best to let her go on the night though, I know the other side of the tale and it ended with a maniac dog climbing the walls, escaping all the time because he wasn't getting out to run ......... even though he couldn't run, it didn't stop him thinking he could. He got out after trying for weeks, and got hit by a car in the road, that didn't kill him but vet said he'd be lucky to survive the night with the internal injuries .......... so off he went.
  4. It's a very well known condition, if he sees this "Sandymere" on here will hopefully post about it, or search his posts, there is a very good post all about it that he wrote on here a while ago.
  5. Yes. Didn't see it coming (nor did the experienced man I was with), dog was a big strong BullX, blew himself right up. Got him to emergency vets ...... £1400, and 4 days intensive care later I got half a dog back, with an extremely bad temper and no wind at all. When I got him to vet hospital, she said he was 99% dead, it was amazing that she got him back for the state he was in. I know what I'd do if I had my time again.
  6. He's keeping his head down after all the news about Jimmy Saville ......
  7. To be fair ......... For every decent person who pm's me on here, there are 2 or 3 messers who tw@t around and drive me mad, nothing worse than typing a long reply and it getting ignored. It used to be worse, I think I must be better at spotting them these days lol.
  8. Thanks for the recommendations chaps, but I don't make them. The best ones I've seen around are made by Pull Power, same people as Britghtside American Bulldogs. Google will sort you out
  9. The black one would be stronger I'd think. I could though make one with thicker seatbelt webbing, I don't like using that type of webbing for normal collars as it stinks when I melt the holes in and doesn't give a good finish around the holes so I use the higher quality but less dense polypropolene normally. But, there are no holes in the wide part of that collar so that's no issue.
  10. And about 40 others names I'd guess. Behave yourself or you'll be next in line for a beating hahahaha I like Johnny being on here, he's about the only member who's worse than me I don't know much about folk on here but what I do know is that despite all the confession, contrition and forgiveness stuff......idiots tend to stay idiots! I don't really see old leveller jumping at the night out offer myself! Lol lol lol That will just be me then........again! Lol lol No mate, not just you From his posts on here, I wouldn't thought Leveller had much spare time to be
  11. And about 40 others names I'd guess. Behave yourself or you'll be next in line for a beating hahahaha I like Johnny being on here, he's about the only member who's worse than me
  12. What offer? Have you removed the post Mister Moderator? Oop's cocked up..!!! Other way round....Bugger! :icon_redface: Thank the lord for a mate with a keen eye and an edit button on my Mod status...!!! I was a bit confused lol. Yes, that edit button comes in very handy, I wouldn't be without mine now ..........
  13. What offer? Have you removed the post Mister Moderator?
  14. I'd say he can hold his own on here, and I also know he knows when enough is enough. The leveller thing is out of order, and he needs to sort that out if he can, if I was a mod on here I'd have banned him for asking personal stuff on here. And ................. He did still pretend to be a 10 year old girl when he messaged me, and that I'm afraid is just wrong! He must have known I'm a Prod and was safe ............. <<<<<<<< (Flute band emoticon)
  15. Really? I don't know which is why I asked. A couple of the lads I've seen that are on it, seem to get a bit of a stoop and like a lump on the backs of their necks? Maybe to do with the way they train though as they all go to the same gym
  16. That lad is "reasonably serious" But no doubt there'll be the usual "I was bigger" posts along soon!
  17. Isn't gear old hat now though anyway? I thought lads were using growth hormone these days? I've seen a few that looks like it does them the world of good lol. THE PHOTO BELOW HAS NOTHING AT ALL TO DO WITH THE COMMENTS I MADE ABOVE Did 2 collars for a lad a couple of weeks ago, he's ripped his bicep tendon off so wanted to isolate them to carry on training.
  18. are you seriously telling us you were on roids for 5 months without taking any pct?? you probley have the testostorone of a 6 year old girl now well done :thumbs: Give us a clue then? What is PCT? Chances are that he's got nothing to worry about anyway ............. if they are throwing Winstrol around in a college, what do you reckon to it being even slightly genuine? He's probably been taking some old birds cancer pills
  19. The only pillow cases Willow has got have got eye holes cut into them ..........
  20. Mine aren't anything special, and I don't post them on their own. All they are is a length of polypropolene webbing with a loop at each end. Nothing exciting.
  21. My wireless wasn't working very well at first, seems ok again now though
  22. Tim is much calmer than me, I'm sure his would be a different dog Mine is a hyper maniac, out 3 times a day and still crazy, I know what he needs but ....... Maybe a treadmill might help I think. To bury the little tw@t under
  23. So where's the photos then ????? Come on mate! Don't be telling people to get a Wheaten, Jesus, you'll have a queue in 2 years of lads dropping them off with you saying it is all your fault hahaha. They are to put it mildly a lot of dog.
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