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Strong Stuff

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Everything posted by Strong Stuff

  1. Strong Stuff


    As new posts appear on other threads, your thread drops down the page, "Bump" just means you're nudging it back up with a new post mate.
  2. Just got back, It definitely got busier (much busier) after lunch, plenty of stalls to mooch at. Had a good day out, until................. You know the twats who think it is ok to walk around with a f*****g spaniel on a 25 foot lead and not even look where they're going, but it's ok because they're proper country folk, well there's a dog and it's owner going home with a headache tonight My bird had my Stafford on a short lead, some bloke walking along, head in tellytubby land with a spaniel on a 20 foot lead, spaniel jumps on my dog leads get tangled, his dog started yappi
  3. i,ll look forward to it and i hope the strongstuff bloke turns up e looks like a star!!! Oh he'll be there alright! Not in the beer tent though, I don't touch the stuff (and will be with my bird and her girl ) Bringing the dog too, brindle and white Stafford, hope to meet some of you there!
  4. Well it looks it, but only time will tell! http://www.selbygamefair.co.uk/portal/portal.php?page=2
  5. Sunday for me........... With a big bag full of collars! Please, come over and say hello, this is me: No, really it is.
  6. Not allowed out much, and have to sign the book at the Police Station when I do go out
  7. Think so, I Googled it earlier and it comes up with a site all about it mate.
  8. Or .................. You could ask Deltor for a date .................. I don't think your unusually relaxed sphincter would put him off in any way, after what we've heard about him this week Am sure the caff owner didn't poison you on purpose, I'd go back and tell him, see what he says.
  9. I think I'm going on Sunday, I'll be the one with the rucksack full of terrier collars ............ :whistle:
  10. I'm not sure but, would this be the first case of it's kind? Where someone is charged with manslaughter because a dog killed a child? I agree mate, this is a long way from over, the media will play this to it's maximum. And sadly none of it will do the little girl any good.
  11. It's the Ellie Lawrenson one: THE grandmother of tragic Ellie Lawrenson was today charged with her manslaughter. The five-year-old was mauled to death by her uncle’s pitbull-type dog, Reuben, at her grandmother’s home in Eccleson, St Helens, on January 1. Ellie was being cared for by Jackie Simpson (pictured left) when the dog attacked in the early hours of New Year’s Day. Her grandmother was also mauled as she tried to drag the animal off Ellie, and spent several days in hospital recovering from her injuries. Ellie gran charged with manslaughter Ap
  12. Does this Rabbithunter try to make a living off selling stuff? First rule is to keep people happy, even if it costs you more, that way threads like this (and it's not the first) don't appear. A business is nothing without customers, and a man is nothing without his word. Rabbithunter, if I were you I'd be driving to this lads house to deliver the nets and apologise in person.
  13. Savages. You sure they were dead bodies at the end? Not just lazy black c**ts having a kip???
  14. :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: http://members.aol.com/bushnbin2/rangers.swf
  15. "SECOND WIFE" ? You didn't strike me as the sort who'd make the same mistake twice!!!!
  16. Mick I've had over £100 for that book, get it on ebay!
  17. Thank you for posting the pic, I'll happily add that to my gallery. Good to hear you're happy, thanks again for the order, very much appreciated.
  18. f*****g Hell Eamon!!!! That was too far. You've made it blatantly apparent your views there, I for one am very offended. "You agree, through your use of this service, that you will not use this forum to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, violative of any law or otherwise damaging to hunting in general."
  19. It's when you sneak up to them and whisper "MINT SAUCE" in their ears ..................
  20. WWW.BULLDOGSHOP.CO.UK Thought the fat rockabilly from the Bulldog shop was your mate? He'll sell you plenty of "cheap" collars, they'll be expensive though.
  21. I use the blur thingy in a really good editing program called irfanview www.irfanview.com Dead easy to use, and best of all it's free!
  22. Well my dog tells people he's chipped! Yeah yeah I know ................. I'm going .................... :whistle:
  23. Nothing is 100% either, it isn't the hardest thing in the world to remove a chip from a stolen dog Then to have a dog re chipped with different details is easy enough. Like any Security measure, it's just a deterrent I suppose.
  24. Cheers mate! Yeah all good here thanks. The plate is of course a piss take, I'm a Doorman and just wanted one a few years ago to take the age off a car, and I've still got it 10 years later!
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