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Strong Stuff

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Everything posted by Strong Stuff

  1. well worth £20.how much will 2 camo lurcher collors be.inc p&p. Hi mate. 2" wide, 5 ply ones are £20 each, or 2 for £35 inc post 1.5" wide, 5 ply are £15 each, or 2 for £25 inc post. I always either knock a bit off or give free post to lads from here. Will be at Broughton Game Fair this Sunday of you wanted to meet me outside to collect them.
  2. Was asked for a set of these this week so made an extra set to see how they went. Union Flag is optional. £20 inc post if anyone is interested.
  3. Leave her on her own in a beer tent at a game fair for more than ten minutes and am sure she'd have been offered more than a few purple ones!!!!
  4. Ditch does it again!!! Can anyone else smell the roses? Only joking mate, I'm sure you do know how lucky you are to have lads like that around you.
  5. Guessing you might mean these mate? Why use them? Why not!? They do look big, I'll admit that, but that said, they actually only weight about 220 grammes, much lighter than they look. I originally made them for Bull Terriers, but they've adapted well for use on Bull Lurchers, they're good for pulling dogs off things they might need pulling off ..............
  6. A good day out, but bugger me it was windy!!!! Weather was terrible, but the show ran very smoothly in spite of it, credit to the lads who ran it. Didn't sell a lot, but met a few new faces, good to meet you and your pal Towzer Look forward to the next one, excellent venue.
  7. How many Staffords or Pitbulls have you met? I'd rather not be bitten by any dog at all!!!
  8. Better one for you ............. Scottish Dogging Have fun !!!
  9. And that is the end of her short stay in the house ............... Cos she is a gangster innit Surprised she didn't start tooting crack in there the way she was going on. Lovely girl ................ for someone else.
  10. Can't believe she did this, did she not think?!
  11. No mate, I didn't have a stall, I'd taken some gear down to drop off for lads that had ordered it before the show. I was parked by the Lurcher / Terrier ring (thank you TT! ) I'd text your mate but not heard from him? Is all ok?
  12. I did think it was VERY funny the way they got the oh so proud black girl to paint her face white ........................... SPOOK!
  13. Andy, no offence intended (genuinely) but the moderators (Stabs in this case) do the moderating voluntarily, the way it was going it would have been taking more and more time up, and as the lucky git is in Australia then I'm sure he has got plenty of better things to do! Just my opinion. Those that said it was an excellent section in the past were spot on, it was, and big thanks to Stabs for looking after it while it lasted. JonniM, what on earth are you going to look at when you're up at 4am now? Or shouldn't I ask?!
  14. I was in the car park for the Terrier ring mate, right by the Lurchers. No probs though, get them in the post and I'll sort it out.
  15. Looking well mate, thanks for the photo, ok to use it elsewhere? Always good to see you, and not just because you always buy something!
  16. Hello mate, sorry I didn't get time to talk to you, I did look for you later but couldn't see you, as you saw I was just setting up when you came over, hopefully get to meet up again sometime soon. All the best
  17. I'll be there on Sunday, hopefully meet some more of you. You'll recognise me ...........
  18. These ones are for Welshmen only mate yes! Have got plenty of others though .............................
  19. Cheshire Hunt Kennels, Terrier and Lurcher Show, this Saturday 14 June, Judging starts at 1pm. EDRD Qualifier, child handler class etc. Donation entries, cake stall, tombola etc. Cheshire Hunt Kennels, Kennel Lane, Sandiway, Cheshire. Enquiries : 07718 248718 I'll be having a small stall and supporting my local hunt, then going to the Welsh on Sunday. Hope to see some of you there!
  20. was the brindle a big lump Yes mate, quite a big dog, and the lad had a gold tooth I think?
  21. Address is ............ Big Field Wales See you there! The postcode is: SH3 3EP Right OK mate, I'll stop titting around now, sorry about that. Correct Postcode is: SA32 8NJ Website for the Gamefair: www.welshgamefair.com All the best.
  22. Think this is the one I was talking to a lad with a Brindle Bull X about at the weekend at the show in Bacup? If it is then I'll see you there!
  23. Yes mate, easily, but I'd advise against a white collar, it will get filthy very quickly. Thanks. A
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