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Strong Stuff

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Everything posted by Strong Stuff

  1. Rio ................. Glad I haven't got any friends like you! Simoman, Don't be being coy now, it was very obvious when I've seen you that you have worked very hard on creating your ultimate physique as I have too .............. GD, if your question is whether to go on the gear or not, don't.
  2. Hope whoever is going has a good day, think I best get my arse to bed ............ just got in! See you all there bright and early, it's not raining at the minute, hopefully will stay that way!
  3. Hello Chris, Would be interested in maybe coming over with a few bits and bobs (just a small stall), it say to phone first mate ............... but who shall I ring? Many thanks. A
  4. It doesn't say anything about the dog being a shoplifter? Certainly looks the part, best of luck mate.
  5. You're not at home for the Twalfth???? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Flute band smilies!!!!!
  6. Has anyone tried one of these in the mud? Have been having a mooch around and you can get 4 year old top spec ones with the V10 5.0 Tdi engine for the same sort of money as a similar age Discovery, I know the LR's are very capable off road, but the VW's? The VW's are definitely "prettier" and better spec'd, but are they any use? Or would I look like I borrowed my birds car?
  7. Smart motor that mate, I bet the neighbours have already been onto the benefit fraud hotline though!!!! Bet they think you've taken to doing something illegal seeing that parked there. I hope you're going to polish it before you give it back! LOL I wouldn't want to be the other drivers insurance company, imagine the bill they'll be getting for the credit hire of that!? They do look a bit odd at first, look loads better with spare wheel mounted on the back door, less like a transit van!
  8. Imagine it ................... The Police would be there before we'd switched our engines off! I'm looking for a place that sells the chimes from an ice cream van ............ reckon that would pull the women!
  9. You'll have to get it before they declare your Rangie a complete loss, some insurance companies will allow you to transfer your plate off the car before they do it, some won't and reckon they work the value of the plate in, if you've still got all the docs then you could do it yourself for £115 on a certificate or £ to another motor. OCS I asked what you drive, not your bird ............. MRD, those TDV6's have come down in price plenty now too since the TDV8 came out, seen them around for under 15K.
  10. Surely not completely written off mate? If it is and you were attached to it, you could possibly buy it back to repair yourself, and pocket a few quid in the process ............. Are you buying OCS? I'll have one too if you are, I'd only sell it mind you and buy a proper Land Rover! What do you drive OCS?
  11. Oh no I'm not! LOL I just like a bit of mischief, it wasn't totally the samaritan in me that thought that idea up!
  12. Lads ............ and Lady of course, it wasn't my intention to start "Staffy1aid" What I was proposing was that there may be members on here who would be interested in forming a little syndicate to get Staffy his money back in the short term, but in the longer term take pleasure in making NODDY's life a misery. Am not asking for donations, I should have made that clear, sorry. I'm looking for other lads who would be equally prepared at some point to knock on the dickheads door, if that's the sort of person he is, robbing £100 off a young lad then I'm sure there'll be a few.
  13. What a shit trick, have met Staffy1 and no disrespect intended but I doubt he can stand the loss of 100 quid, I'd be furious if someone did it to me, not just because they'd had my pants down, but because he used a common interest to appear genuine. Have got a suggestion though ........... Why don't some of the lads on here who'd be up for it form a syndicate, buy the debt off Staffy1, then let's see how clever NODDY is when he's dealing with a few of us and not just a young lad. I'm in for £25 straight away. Chid, not being funny like but it seems you might be the only
  14. Just to let everyone know, this show is to be held at Astley , Gin Pit, Welfare Club, on the Sunday 6th July, 15 Classes for Terriers, 14 Classes for Lurchers, 9 Classes for Ferrets, lurcher racing starts 12 noon, terrier racing follows, showing starts at 1.30pm, trade stalls , licensed bar, refreshments, admission £1, entry into classes £1, for more information contact; Keith on 07811420905, or Dave on 07793038466 , the show is situated at the Miners, Welfare , Ley Road, Astley, Tyldesley, Nr Manchester. Full address is: Meanley Road Tyldesley Manchester
  15. Here's some good info on Boerbels, not sure how you're fixed for space but they're big dogs! http://www.sandaharr.co.uk/ All the best
  16. Strong Stuff


    I'm in too, I get around a bit these days and you just never know. More than happy to help out with funds, will be in touch.
  17. Maybe the wrong place to sell them? Try: www.spankmybottywithafibreglasspole.com or www.iamaverynaughtyboyandwantmybumwhippedbytheladyinjigsawsavatar.com Good luck!
  18. I didn't say I bought them! Just for the record though, I work 5 nights a week as a Doorman, have done for 20 odd years, so, if I want to spend my money on shiny wheels .............. I haven't got a stall there mate, maybe take my mobile number with you and see if we can meet up at some point outside the show. All the best.
  19. So ............... You've got a recently single sister and she likes Land Rovers ....................... :tongue4:
  20. Fancy a swap for a black thong (hardly worn) and some lightly soiled 10 denier black tights?
  21. Do me a favour then mate, from your description there, you and your mates are the ones that stand by my car and either lean on it , or let your dogs piss on my thousand quid wheels ............. but never buy anything! Look forward to seeing you!
  22. Even better when you're a "nasty rough boy" mate! I think some of those posh girls choose blokes based on their ability to shock "Daddy" ................ I've never failed to deliver on that score!!!!
  23. Did "Security" on one a few years ago ..................... at the end of the night we had (and I kid you not) 2 full bin bags of discarded assorted ladies undergarments, tights, thongs, bras the lot! It was sadly before the days of ebay, seems "worn" items sell for decent money these days! The ball was good too.
  24. is that the total for the collars and metalwork?.what width are they? That's the price complete as in the photo mate. Collars are 1 inch wide. Thanks. A
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