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Strong Stuff

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Everything posted by Strong Stuff

  1. Strong Stuff


    Deffo John Hubery, have seen the standard of his work today, fastidious is the only word, and a decent bloke too!
  2. It's looking less like that, although she has just reminded me I'm supposed to be looking for a new home, told her I'll be going with him! I will not be dictated to by anyone, never mind someone who I've just spent 5 years making her life considerably nicer.
  3. Strong Stuff


    "This country"? Not being funny like but you've got another nations flag as your home flag.
  4. Hello mate, I do make collars that are suitable for Lurchers yes, I don't make the shaped leather ones though, the ones I make are either 1", 1.5", or 2" wide, made out of nylon webbing.
  5. The first row was the hardest mate! As Daz says, hope the weather holds. If your bird is anything like the NOISY FECKER that Daz has got I'd incorporate an escape tunnel mate for when your good lady has enough of the 2 of you!!!
  6. Not really interested in going to the Motor Show mate, but those boxes you make look the bollocks! Hope you're selling plenty.
  7. Why would anyone need to go and see him if he's paid the lads money back? Where's Staffy1, he should have come on here the second he got the money and told all the people who stood up for him that it was sorted, if it is.
  8. Strong Stuff


    Exactly my point. I personally have never felt the desire to inflict a "mini me" on the world, but if I did I'd hope to teach the according to God's law. Off topic slightly, but why is that the people least able to lead by example have the most kids? See them everywhere now, horrible interbred people who think they are so wonderful they should create little versions of themselves, now that is wrong! Maybe it's just where I live, but I don't think so. I have a bit of a rule for when I'm dealing with "Darkies", and it's "Integrity not Ethnicity" if someone is decent then it ma
  9. bullx for over 30 years, the first bullxs in the country were bred in 83' and thats a fact, so only 25 years ago. Where on earth did you get that fact from ??????? There were bull Xs in Lemington, Newcastle, in the early 70's, and that IS a fact !! And I'm sure they will have been bred long before that elsewhere !!! Cheers. Probably Ed Reid told him that, just before trying to sell him a pup out of "the gamest pitbull in all of Englandshire", only 2 grand to you ........... I hadn't realised that Bull X's had been around so long, guess it was Staffor
  10. I just rang the farmer to see about a stall ............. his exact words, "you give us a donation and just bring your bloody stall", I do like a straight talker!!!
  11. Strong Stuff


    Indeed, in fact in some fairly not so distant circles, you and I with our versions of a similar religion, at least with the same basic belief (except the transubstantiation bit!) have spent the last few hundred years murdering each other. I don't think the KKK were too keen on RC's though! Foxyjo, is there a point to your posts?
  12. Strong Stuff


    What is anything without a firmly held belief in God?
  13. Strong Stuff


    Go to a church here on a sunday morning and its packed,yes packed with africans Nothing wrong with that mate, God fearing Christian people, if we were like some of them we'd have a nicer country, instead we have a cesspit of drugs and a disaffected youth that has created an open market that attracts criminals from all over the world.
  14. Strong Stuff


    In my past experience the only thing wrong with any of these Right Wing parties is the outright wankers and weirdos they attract! Not all, am sure there are some good people involved, but when I was involved a long time ago, there were some VERY odd people involved. Get yourselves to Church, it's your only hope! We're all doomed ..............
  15. You got that bit right! The dog I already had, I hoped I'd be able to work with to accept the pup with my partners help, she's turning now, but wasn't exactly helpful at first, but that's ok, she'll soon see why she should have helped next time something needs doing around the house or her daughter needs picking up or something like that! I can't believe how quickly the 2 dogs have bonded (I know it will always be dodgy to leave them unsupervised and wouldn't do that) but at this minute they are both asleep together in the Staffords bed!!! Things are looking up here for now, fing
  16. Here we go again ......... I spent longer watching this dog before buying it than most people do, and saw it in a real life environment, am happy in my own head that this was no impulse buy, I was already looking for another dog, regardless of what my bird says, I'd have waited a lot longer if I hadn't seen this one, and am sure the lads who also saw it can honestly say it ticked all the boxes, type, temperament, condition, all good. AKA, that's exactly what I intend to do, the only reason any of this is an issue is because I'm trying hard to get my bird on side with me, I know all the
  17. No snoring mate, but I am a little incontinent, only a trickle like ...................
  18. In the most stupid place possible mate, in the back garden .......... Could have done it all properly but it was 10pm and had been in car with pup for about 4 odd hours, GF didn't want to know, and certainly wouldn't have got our Stafford and taken him somewhere neutral to introduce them like I should have done ...........
  19. f*****g hell lads come on ................. So I should just get rid of my bird, sell our 4 bed house, probably lose both nice cars we spent the last 5 years working like loonies to be able to have, lose contact with gf's 11 year old daughter who is like my own (been together with her Mum for 6 years), and go and live in a flat on my own with a pup, not so sure the pup would be so important then! You got to understand lads, I want my cake and eat it!!!
  20. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm ................. That is kind of my point, I put plenty in (time and money) but don't ask for much, which is why I've already said I'll be sticking to my guns. I don't drink, at all. And generally speaking behave myself quite well, we've been together 5 years now, maybe that's quite long enough! My next post will be in the wanted section looking for a house ...........
  21. Was looking a decent program until they started all that "Pitbulls are the AntiChrist" stuff. Would imagine there'll be an increase in the sale of small fire extinguishers now, pocket sized ones, if the Plod dog comes for you just give it a squirt. Wonder if I could get the contract for harnesses for the Police abseiling gear ............... reckon they'd notice if all their coppers suddenly started dropping straight to the ground like stones when they jump out of helicopters .............
  22. Can imagine there won't be too many "normal" people there! £52 is bad enough, but on top of fuel, losing a days work and feeding 4 mouths in there, it's ridiculous!
  23. Hi all, can anyone, there's a show this saturday at Holmfirth, and I've completely lost all the details! Am sure I had a flyer for it here, reckon my bird has chucked it so I stay at home with her!? I was asked about it again last weekend by a lad at Papplewick, and forgot to get the details again, buying a pup sort of distracted me. Would greatly appreciate any help please. Will get CMW later, hopefully it'll be in that. Thanks. A
  24. I guess so, made a right mess doing it though! Was thinking more of trying an axe on her head ........... Simo ............. don't even think of trying to persuade me you didn't get a little touch on over those wellies and jogging pants ................
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