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Strong Stuff

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Everything posted by Strong Stuff

  1. Hi mate, if it's NWSS you're on about, they're obliged I'm sure to give you a safety demo, the rest is practise. Don't worry there'll be loads of lads in the range willing to help you out, you'll be fed up with the amount of people sticking there nose in! LOL Have plinked away many an afternoon there.
  2. Have done a lot of shows this year, and a few last year, will deffo be more choosy next year, as said elsewhere, I'll be supporting the independant shows thoroughly, speaking of which, don't forget there's a small local show this Sunday, all proceeds to the Air Ambulance, what better way to swerve Chatsworth and put money where it's needed!
  3. No way should he be allowed to advertise on here, or get help breeding more dogs, that list is more than a lifetimes worth of dogs! I doubt he'll stop, but you can sure as f**k stop him using this site to peddle his dogs. That list has shocked me, I didn't realise it was half that bad! Kreet what are you doing??? Sort yourself out and leave the dogs alone.
  4. I hope that's true, but based on past experience that's unlikely. I fully expect to read the sob story soon, it's a shame. Personally ............ I don't think you should be allowed to post on anything on here that involves buying/selling/breeding dogs. But then it's not my forum, so I'll just go and read some posts that don't make me ..... :realmad:
  5. I'd hope so! Kreet have you tried lending the Border terrier a milk crate to stand on? I don't mean you any harm Kreet, I don't know you, but bugger me you're always moving dogs around, it doesn't give the best of impressions from what we see on here, and that is of course the only impression we can get, if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck then it is a duck .................... My advice for what it's worth ......... forget breeding a litter, if you've been stuck for a stud then it's not like you have the chance of a lifetime to breed a fantastic litter is it? Why not
  6. Have you got homes booked for any pups if they come along? Or will we be seeing them for sale on here as usual? Maybe they won't mate because they know what will become of their pups .......................
  7. Same for myself Wilf..... Really enjoyed the day, good craic with good lads Really liked that lad of yours Bosun, awsome............only trouble is, we have got a one armed judge for next year I've got to take the blame for that one. Sorry mate.
  8. Excellent bags, just as an aside .......... I've got one of the medium sized bench bags in black, it's filled and has been used a couple of times, it's for sale if anyone wants it, only problem might be the cost of the postage though.
  9. It's the funniest ad ever ........... loving them tartan pants!
  10. I am the large bald bloke, bright blue t shirt, black bull x pup and a stafford, obviously both wearing my collars!
  11. Here you go mate, based in the Midlands somewhere I think, I went and bought a bench rest bag off them ages ago, decent bloke to deal with. http://www.shootingbags.co.uk/products_bags_windowbags.html
  12. over the years i have supported lurcher world but cant understand why most judges are so inexperananced about lurchers who judge for them, a lot of people travell a long way only to be judged by the same folk since i am not into the showing side its never bothered me but if i showed my dogs on a serious note i would be pissed of,mark Don't ya think that the Lurcher people take things a bit too seriously, afterall Lurchers are mongrels not pedigrees !!! (OK they are bred for a purpose but still not pedigree). It used to be fun to show a lurcher, a place to meet people, talk B****cks
  13. I had a good day out, but that was down to the company, not the show! £10 to get in, mostly pet dogs ............. on 300 foot long f*****g extendable leads, pisses me right off! Wouldn't bother again with that show, bit of a half arsed attempt at a copy of the Midland IMHO.
  14. I didn't win anything where there was more than 1 in a class ............ Would agree with the above comment, although at the risk of being seen as a bad sport, it certainly seemed to be that if you were in the Lurcherworld clique/club then you won, the biggest example of that being the judge for the earlier classes (Lurcher) won the best in show trophy!!!! And as for the "Best WORKING Lurcher" class ............ a huge white fluffy thing won it, the only place that's "seen" anything is on YouTube!!!! All that said though, it was still an enjoyable few hours out, and miles bet
  15. You may well be right for the TV ad version, I don't think the one filmed in the Orange Hall playing the lambeg is Phil Collins though!? :wacko:
  16. Postcode is: LL15 2RU Hopefully see some of you there
  17. There's a thread in the equipment reviews section from an American who "likes" torches, he's posted about securing a torch to his own head with velcro, maybe try that on your dog's head? You could put a gun light switch under his throat, when he opens his mouth the light shines and goes off when he closes it.
  18. Crack and computers just don't mix ..........
  19. Where is it? Exactly I heard about a terrier lurcher show in Cheshire tomorrow ( Sunday ) any one know about it? How annoying is it that these shows aren't advertised ............. there's one somewhere in North Wales today, one that I'd definitely have gone to, not just to have a stall but to try and give something to local hunts and local lads, and enjoy the sunshine in beautiful scenery .............. But if they don't f*****g tell us where they are, how can we go .............
  20. Judging starts at 1 mate, but am sure there'll be plenty there before then. Excellent site, really enjoyed the day last year, until some funny red haired fella started following me and my dog around trying to lick my dogs testicles that is ................ GRAHAM HOULDSWORTH MEMORIAL WORKING TERRIER AND LURCHER SHOW. OTLEY SUN 24TH AUGUST 2008 JUDGING STARTS AT 1 OCLOCK,,,The Spite Inn Roebuck Terrace Newall With Clifton Otley West Yorkshire LS21 2EY
  21. Am I going to sound really stupid if I ask if it's possible to replace the fuse?
  22. I heard a whisper that he might well be at a show this weekend ................ Hope the weather is warmer, that cammo suit doesn't hide much!
  23. I don't make leather collars, I only make stuff that doesn't rot, stretch or stain the dogs coats I'd say that the gear is about as maintenance free as you could possibly get, as a famous author recently wrote about it, "Fit it and forget it" A few old photos of some of my collars in different widths.
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