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Strong Stuff

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Everything posted by Strong Stuff

  1. hi mate im interested in some slips can you make any with just one loop one end to slip through a collar? thanks liam I can make anything you like, but why would you only want 1 loop? How will you hold the other end?
  2. Exactly what I was expecting ............. have we got bad minds?
  3. Why does she advertise water polo I knew you were a nice boy really beneath that wordly gruff exterior! I was just about to explain, but best not in public! I'll get a nice lady to show you at a show sometime ............
  4. Have you seen the services the lady in the top left offers ...........
  5. Putting pics on is easier if you're a donator If you want to email me a pic or 2 I'll put them up for you. strong_stuff@hotmail.co.uk
  6. Speak S L O W L Y on the phone mate, they won't know what you're on about otherwise
  7. Was set for a row with a wanker then, but it looks like he's already gone. If you're reading this ferret f****r, come and say hello next time you see me, I got something for you.
  8. Weather is looking good towards the end of the week! BBC weather site
  9. Here you go Big Boy! SDLC Pleasley show My turn for the coffee if you're going? It's your turn to take a pup home though ............ she still hasn't shut up about mine.
  10. Did you mention the car has all the gay dogging locations in the UK pre programmed into the sat nav? The Somalis don't last long enough to store, they tend to expire quite quickly, but there's plenty of them! Someone needs to buy this truck, it's spot on.
  11. f*****g hell! Do me a favour and stay off my for sale threads! Helpful lad, someone is selling a Honda and you try and sell them a Kawasaki on his thread!
  12. Looks a lot more interesting than the Cheshire show I went to, was going to this one but the prospect of a 350 mile round trip after working all weekend put me off ............ wish I'd gone now!
  13. Have been in and driven this truck, can confirm it is exactly as described, MINT! DAZ is even worse than me for keeping things as new, well maybe except for washing his truck with bottled water ........... Deffo needs AT tyres on, but they cost not a lot compared to what you'd save buying this here. Good luck with the sale mate, truck should sell itself. Just one thing ............. Timewasters will be referred to the Strong Stuff customer service department, to be tied up and buggered by a Somalian AIDS carrier, you have been warned!
  14. I think I'm going now, last minute decision. I may have a few bits and bobs with me if anyone wants an end of show season bargain .........
  15. I have 2 here for you ............ One for your arms And one for your legs.
  16. Lawfully??? Are you paying attention? They have no more rights in law than old Mrs Miggins who lives down the road. FACT. If you learn one thing from this thread then please, let it be that the RSPCA are a charity organisation, who operate on exactly the same level as any other citizen in this country, they have no special rights or powers, that uniform they wear means f**k all.
  17. No mate, I wear it as a cock ring now, shame to waste it ........... Is that you in the Countrymans this week? Oh what fun we can have with that photo..........
  18. If the rspca responded to your call, it is unlikely they'd pass a dog to another agency or kennels. Did you see him doing it? If not then it wasn't "definitely" anything. f**k me, are you going to ring the NSPCC or Social Services next? Yes, you do, you rang them and informed on someone you could have dealt with yourself, you gave them your attention and respect and asked them to sort a situation out you were not able to. Until people treat them as the uniformed charity that they are, then they will continue to act like a government or law enforcement agency, th
  19. You must have got a wrong number mate .......... Thanks for the feedback. These 2 collars have been posted today.
  20. Any luck finding new homes for these?
  21. I wonder why he assumed it was you ? Very diplomatically put Mr Shamo. Anyone else may have suggested he got his tyres slashed for being a GRASS That's the problem with today's society, people aren't direct and up front anymore, they do snidey things like ringing benefit cheat helplines. Once upon a time if a neighbour was a scumbag and left his dog out all day, someone might have told him not to, then if he carried on he'd have had it taken off him, end of story.
  22. Mr CW, Have had a few different ones, there's not a lot between them to be honest, for the basic "turn left and go that way" useage then cheap is near enough as good as expensive. The more expensive ones have all sorts of extra that if you're like me will never use, bluetooth, mp3 players etc. Have a look at this fella: Halfords cheap Sat Nav Does what you need for £50! Good bit about buying from Halfords is that you can pester the spotty young boy until you are 100% happy you can use it properly, also the warranty. Hope that helps.
  23. Hope it all goes smoothly for you mate. All the best for your birthday.
  24. Im not a 100% certain and forgive me if im wrong but im 99% certain that Human Growth Hormone is not a steroid.. Millet You'd be right Mr Millet, HGH is a lovely substance that comes from the pituatary (sp?) gland, in the brain ........... much of that sold as HGH is in fact from dead cows ......... mmmmmmmmmmmm nice! I think that list was copied from somewhere, there are a lot of mistakes on it. Have spent the last 25 years keeping the company of the sort of lads who use Anabolic Steroids, they are big, but they're not clever!? Just say NO!
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