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Strong Stuff

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Everything posted by Strong Stuff

  1. Says your from Belfast mate..????? The only one taking the piss is you mate putin that on the thread..... If you want the book buy it ...Proof of postage costs can be enclosed as i have stated previously !!! I dont set the postage costs....... The post office does that . If you cant afford it BOY ask for your pocket money to be put up....You might have to wait untill your four and a half for that though ....By then they all be sold .... Yeah i am straight up unlike yourself judging by your post.....Thats why ive written a book...Not to make the post office wealthy.
  2. Just a note ............ If you get the link to the membership list that is on line, and maybe you want to search it by keywords ....... Press Control + F keys, and in the box type your search word, highlight all, and use next to show all results. And no, my name isn't on it!
  3. 32 ........ TOMO you got beat by 4! I'll give a free one to the first person to post a pic with 40 on ..........
  4. "Integrity not Ethnicity" WILF, the voice of reason. I did hear, once upon a long time ago ................ that Nick Griffin was of Southern Irish descent, this was in the days of Tyndal, maybe it was bollocks, maybe it wasn't, but I wouldn't trust that bunch of idiots to run our Country, like I've said before scratch the surface and you'll find those same divvies that I have seen at meetings giving it loads of "Sieg Heil", they may have stashed their boots but they are the same lads. Personally, I am a White Anglo Saxon Prod, and very proud of it, that doesn't mean I "hate" other
  5. There is now a review here: Game Carrier Review And also the maddest photo I've seen of any of my gear so far.
  6. I'm lost for words! No it doesn't affect your guarantee!!! I haven't seen that many rabbits this year never mind on one carrier!!
  7. Was asked if I could make a lightweight but extremely strong coursing collar recently, but can't remember who by?! This one is 2 ply, 1 inch wide, and weighs 40 grammes (fook all!) I think that 2 ply might be a bit "thin" and would really be encouraging people to have 3 ply ones, that would probably weight 45 grammes, these would be more substantial around the holes giving greater life. This was just something I did today when I remembered I was supposed to be making one for someone ................ but who was it???
  8. If you're female can we have some photos please?
  9. Nudging this up for him because he's about to do something silly and go and swap it for a Halfords car park racing car ............ Truck is in immaculate condition apart from the few stains on the drivers seat where Daz couldn't swallow quick enough (he tells me it's milkshake but I'm not sure)
  10. Thanks mate. They should last you a lifetime. Any problems ever just shout! All the best. A
  11. Very happy with my Meindl Dovre Extremes, been up to my knees in mud and cow shit (thanks Jon!) and the boots didn't let a drop in, even through the top! Dead easy to clean. Good grip for climbing (well huffing and puffing up a big hill behind an older bloke who put me to shame!) Very warm and comfortable too. Blackntan, don't you find those stockings and suspenders you wear under your boots chafe you? (and before you say it ........... FOX, FOX!! THERE'S A FOX!!!!!! )
  12. Shut the door on your way out, there's a good lad.
  13. No mate, your plan has been thwarted by the site rules, not any individual. How can any fairness be possible without set rules, I don't see how it's a problem for you anyway, at least on ebay you have procedures to deal with timewasters, let me tell you for nothing there are more than the fair share of messers on here who are "definitely sending the money today mate" You'll get more for them on ebay too I'd have thought, seems like a win/win for you?
  14. As with collars, these can be made in a few choices of colour.
  15. He'll have been sitting there in his Gestapo uniform deleting your message a letter at a time, whilst spanking his monkey. That was the daft answer, the truth is like others have said, this is not ebay, you want to auction stuff you go to ebay, you want to sell stuff at a fixed price, then put it on here, seems simple enough.
  16. Got mine too, thank you. Quality of the book is excellent, have only read the first chapter but it's looking good. Well done Johnny, a definite "must have".
  17. First batch made and posted, should be dropping through letter boxes any time now. Thanks for the orders, much appreciated. Bought plenty of fittings so can offer these with my normal next day service now.
  18. I've heard Daz has recently developed a liking for men in harnesses and big poles ...........

  19. Last time I had dealings £20 for an old yew and £50-60 for a spring lamb ready to slaughter that was 7-8 years ago Thanks for that, wasn't sure how much they were worth.
  20. Just out of interest ............ How much is a sheep? Are we talking tens or hundreds of pounds? Just interested. And while we're on the "poor farmers" topic ............ it really fucks me off when they drive their very slow tractors on public roads with no number plate visible at the back and leaving mud and shit all over the roads. "City Boy"
  21. Wise words indeed. I still hope that there's a genuine reason for the delay, not looking good I know, but it will be a right pain in the arse if RNPP has ripped the lad, it's hard enough trusting people without established members going bandit! Remember, before you go knocking on doors, that you just might be knocking on the door of a sick man, be very cautious about your actions, have you contacted Paypal yet?
  22. If you payed through Paypal, I think you can do a chargeback, just tell them the truth, you haven't had what you payed for, they should return your money
  23. In the cookery section ............. Are you planning to eat them? Buy a turkey instead, cheap at this time of year!!! Got any mint sauce?
  24. All sorted now hopefully. MANY thanks for the offers, MUCH appreciated. Will post pics of the finished result.
  25. Was fully expecting that to turn out to be a large scale model. That's some flying!
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