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Strong Stuff

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Everything posted by Strong Stuff

  1. Another batch of these made and posted, some spare to send by return post if anyone wants one
  2. Me too, didn't realise Peak Oil got there first
  3. Same over this way in parts, places I was shown as recently as July/August that had plenty running around, have been back since and you might see a handful in 2 hours. Very frustrating as I've got a young dog who's dead keen.
  4. Just watch for the Chinese user names to start coming on here if they get a whiff of dogs going for free ........
  5. And a partridge in a pear tree ....................... Mick I forgot all about you mate, sorry. There'll be 2 terrier collars and 2 leads to add to that list on their way tomorrow. All the best with your night.
  6. Probably not until next June now for the Welsh. Collars are £10. Hope that helps.
  7. Pass, the owner may reply on here, it's just a photo I was sent mate that's all.
  8. Collars are 1" wide and this type is made for the Mk1, how big is a Mk3 transmitter?
  9. Oh obviously. And that big fat 20 stone unpaid volunteer wannabe bizzy was well within his right to scrape the lads head on the road and punch f**k out of him was he? Thing is with those plastic bizzies, even the real ones take the piss out of them, am sure he'll be in the back of a van gagged and blindfolded with poo in his pants soon enough, wonder if he'll be so big without his mates then?!
  10. I think that Special Constable and his 2 paid mates will have plenty of time to wonder when the lad they mugged is coming back for them, even plod knock off. Maybe the lad is on it already? http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/manchester/7757067.stm Accidents happen.
  11. That's not nice!!! I was just excited to see you ...........
  12. One of the funniest things I've read on here! Come on LB, that rabbit is long deceased, I don't know much but I know chubby dogs don't catch bunnies!
  13. It's the very strong velcro, not like on your clothes mate, it's the stuff designed to hold 5 kilo weights. I would though recommend a cable tie around the whole lot once it's in the flap. I don't have terriers myself so haven't tested the collars hard, but I know a man who has and reports are good, (I honestly wouldn't be trying to sell you lads anything that wasn't up to scratch, i's easy enough to look a twat without giving you lot ammo! )
  14. Good point! They'll be £10 mate, inc post etc.
  15. Was asked to make some collars to fit the older type of DEBEN locator transmitter to, seems the original collars don't last as long as the electronic bit, there's a surprise! Also I have seen them where the plastic lugs break, leaving no way to attach the transmitter to a collar .................... until now!? Same type of collar as the ones I've made for the Ortovox transmitter, but designed to hold the DEBEN very securely, again I'd always suggest you put a cable tie around the pocket once you've switched on, that way nothing can open it until you cut the tie wrap. Better safe than so
  16. £10 inc post mate, brass or steel buckles, your choice.
  17. cheers ss do u do these ones with ur collars attatched ? cheers s I don't keep those type of couples, they are special order from the place I get mine from, minimum order of 10 I think so I haven't bothered, I did put a thread up about them but didn't get enough interest. If you bought just the couple bit off ebay I can certainly sell you a pair of collars to fit it.
  18. Some on ebay mate, if you mean this type? http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/BRASS-TERRIER-hound-...oQQcmdZViewItem
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