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Strong Stuff

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Everything posted by Strong Stuff

  1. Books normally rise in value once the Author is dead ............. Watch your back skinny boy, EL sold for £200+ this week, imagine how much if you were to expire ...........
  2. Isn't Mick the lad who fixes them? The net man, I can't remember his user name on here though mate, sorry!
  3. Or negelcted to near death, then no action will be taken against the kennel owner who starves them and leaves them to die in their own shit, because he just happens to be a relation of the RSPCA "Inspector" who sent them there in the first place.
  4. Now do you see what the RSPCA do???? The Police wouldn't know where to start with taking those dogs, so what do they do? Pass them onto their scum mates in the RSPCA, who are only too happy to go on telly and be seen seizing healthy animals, I bet you those dogs don't stay in that good condition for long once the scum have got them. If those dogs belong to anyone on here, the first thing you should be doing is demanding to see they are being looked after properly, or get a brief to check them. http://the-shg.org/ Get onto them ASAP. Someone must know who's dogs they are, pl
  5. That's exactly the plan mate, am trying to source the cells to make them, at present they will work out at about 700 quid .............. Watch this space!
  6. Been looking around comparing prices for Li Ion battery packs, at £130 the Deben 10A/h isn't badly priced at all by comparison to some of these ........... http://www.divingniknaks.com/salvo_batteries.php
  7. Just to bring this up to date, I think I know who your "boyfriend" is, he's confided in me that what he'd like most this Christmas is you dressed up in PVC wearing a "SUPER STALLION" sized strap on while he is tied down to his kitchen table unable to resist. If you ask him about this and he denies it, it will only be because he is shy, just go ahead and he'll love you forever ............
  8. Have spent the last week trying to get hold of one of these Have also been looking at the possibility of getting something similar made up, but by the time you take into account prototype costs and short run manufacture then £130 each starts to look reasonable. Have had one in my paw, they are dead light. Do you know anywhere that has them in stock? If you do please PM me!!!!
  9. Wish it was a bit harder here! Been out 2 nights running and it's like a swamp, what looks like flat grass quickly disappears and you're standing in water up to your knees. Slipped the dog on a rabbit last night and as he ran across the field he sank up to his neck!!! Been out building an ark this morning, the end of the world is nigh!!!
  10. Glad to see you managed to keep him, he looks the right sort. He could've come here, but I'd have had him out all day every day trying to see which areas he was familiar with so I could suss where all your permission is!!
  11. Topper .............. ................ Surely you didn't?! You best hope he's NOT an anti!!!!!!
  12. SJM, "Virgin" and "pink" in the same paragraph?
  13. If it's for yourself ................ a milk crate would be cheaper, am only going on what I was told but I heard you sit back and watch the other lads digging ..........
  14. It doesn't matter a jot what YOU say it is, it doesn't matter if it is a recognised breed of another type other than an APBT, if it is TYPE and they want to, they can seize it, the onus is on you to prove in a court that it it is NOT "Pitbull Type", and if you look at the description then you can see where problems may arise. From the DEFRA website: Description of the main characteristics of the Pit Bull Terrier type General Description Muscular smooth-haired dog. Has a square profile (ie as tall from the ground to the top of the shoulder and as long from point of shoulder t
  15. Slightly off topic ............ (not like me!) If you go on the RSPCA site and look at the "status dogs" section ............ there's a photo of a red dog straining on a lead. I haven't linked to the site directly as I remember someone saying there is a way to track back to this site, wouldn't give them the satisfaction, although I'm sure they are already members on here anyway. Does anyone recognise that dog at all, have definitely seen it before. As for creating a scene and being aggressive, obviously that would make you target number 1, personally I would refuse them admissi
  16. At best you're a well intentioned gullible fool, at worst you're ............ even I can't find the words. Have you been drinking? Why would/should you allow access to your home or premises to some no mark charity worker?
  17. Says who? I'm no hunter, am in my first season with a young dog. But, I think I'd be right in saying that there's no doubt about my integrity, whereas .............. Whichever way it's looked at you're dodgy as f**k!
  18. Pal? Unwanted attention? Bring it on, nothing for you here Officer. Instead of going to court like a fanny you should have taken full advantage of the sport the rspca were providing you in the shape of disorientated foxes ............. Bet you were the one at school .............. Sir, Sir, they're smoking behind bike sheds ..............
  19. It seemed warm and spacious last time we snuggled up in there. You're just wrong
  20. f**k right off!!!! You must be joking? Let them in maybe, then kill, cook and eat the snidey c**ts!!! Some f*****g charity worker who represents an organisation committed to banning hunting comes to my house and asks to come in won't be getting far, and I've got nothing to hide. By even speaking to them you are accepting them as an entity, they are nothing, nothing at all, it might as well have been the old lady from the sweet shop demanding to come in, she's got as much right!? The more people that say "yes sir" when they knock the stronger the organisation will become, tell t
  21. It seems the way to avoid most stress and carry on doing a bit with the dogs (on rabbits) seems to be walk to where you're going, be prepared to lose your lamp etc, and be discrete. Am only a beginner here, but what I've been thinking of doing is just nipping into fields through gateways having a quick shine and getting out again, then move to the next one. Not the most professional of methods but better than risking my Discovery!!!
  22. We must have been posh, I got a cabbage too!
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