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Strong Stuff

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Everything posted by Strong Stuff

  1. Get a photo up you lazy fecker! Have seen and held this rifle, it's in nice nick. If you go to meet him, as they say on Crimewatch, make sure you tell someone where you're going ................
  2. Hate all the sentimental shite, am a Doorman and this is the worst time of the year, even the normally decent people are full of drink and stupid sentimentality. Went shopping this afternoon, shops full of weirdos buying crap they don't like, don't need and that will be taken back on Boxing Day by more ungrateful people. I opted out one year, had a huge row with an ex the week before and cancelled Christmas as far as she was concerned, I went to Church in the morning and refused to go to her dads for dinner, stayed in on my own, had a much better day .............. we split up soon aft
  3. Get the Yellow Pages out mate and look for companies that supply the gear for Burglar Alarm Systems, they will have sealed lead acid batteries of the type you need for around half that price you just said, I got a 12V 18Ah battery for £20, and it's a Yuasa one so best quality. As for charger, I've posted this charger before but it's worth posting again. Maplin Charger That should sort you out.
  4. Gotcha now! I did wonder how he broke 3 Locators a year!
  5. What you destroy 3 of the hand held boxes each year? That's an expensive habit you got!! Can't you get them repaired?
  6. F*ck me! How bad is that!!! Almost joined myself recently, again, glad I didn't now. Oh well, they'll soon get the idea when no one goes to their Game Fair. That's as low as low can be. GRASSES!
  7. Was just looking at the Orto homepage, saw this: Ortovox S1 How posh is that!? I wasn't sure what Bryan could buy me for Christmas, so I'll have one of these please, I've got no Terriers, but I can walk around the Terrier shows in the summer looking flash
  8. You'll get shot putting those dirty collars on that shiny granite!!! Can see they've both had a hard life.
  9. Thanks p***y, am doing a bit of research on these cases to see how strong they are, have heard claims that B+F reckon the cases on the their transmitters can not be bitten through no matter what bites it, so thought I'd ask here. Am not saying my collars are bite proof, but they will take a lot longer to chew through!! Look forward to your order, thank you.
  10. Rob that was my Stafford that had pissed on the post Spike hasn't started cocking his leg yet the poor little fellah. Timmy, phone is just a Sony Ericsson K800i, only the photo in the frost was with that one, the other is with one of those shockproof digital cameras like the one they throw for the dog on the advert. Terrierman, she's coming round to the idea, it really did come down to both of use (me and dog) stay, or both of us go, and we're still here! LOL! Dog is around 26" maybe a little more, dunno on weight, still waiting for my spring balance to come back. Sorry Lampe
  11. I'm sure Rio will be very happy in there, put Lurcherboy in the other side, they can waffle on all day to each other!
  12. Not sure who I pm'd on here then if you didn't get it! Will send it again now. Another pic off my phone, these dogs are litter brothers which is why I put my pics on L18's thread!
  13. He looks well mate. Looks a bit like this fellah ........... That was a few weeks ago now he's filling out rapidly, will take some more soon, too busy working him ...........
  14. Simple question, please bear in mind the laws in the country you reply from if you do reply. Has anyone ever had the casing on any of their terrier locator transmitters bitten through? I'm talking about the plastic casing on the unit that attaches to the dog. Any type, any make, this isn't a "bash a manufacturer" thread from me! Am just curious.
  15. That's the oval shaped one? I'm sure I can, will just need the dimensions for the transmitter and I'm sure I can make a suitably sized pouch.
  16. Collars to fit ferrets? Would be smaller than anything I'd make mate, the narrowest I use is 3/4" wide. Thanks
  17. Hi mate, if you got 2 new slip type rope leads there, couldn't you join then them to a steel ring then you got your couple and then use 1 lead to the steel ring? Would be cheaper than having something made that you only use to cross the road with. Thank you John for the reference.
  18. Yes, in 3/4" black only with brass buckle, but the pouch will still be the same size.
  19. interested in two mate pm me hi there do you make those collars for the deben long range type of locator collars? Errrrrrrrrrrrrrr ............... Can you put a link up or a pic and I'm sure I can sort something out!
  20. I think it will get worse before it gets better, remember all that Smigger shit, True Nogzy Soldier .......... if they want to play war send them to replace the decent family men in Afghanistan
  21. Have also made some of these for our European friends with pouches for both Ortovox and Deben locator transmitters, am told that the Deben is good for using to pin point the dog in a big earth more accurately? Anyway, here it is. Price for these is £15 with both pouches due to extra work and velcro required, velcro costs £15 for 3 metre roll because I use the super strength industrial stuff.
  22. Got plenty of these made here ready to post as orders come in, would think that realistically the last day to post them would be Monday next week to get them in time for Christmas.
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