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Strong Stuff

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Everything posted by Strong Stuff

  1. Alright mate, Different sized batteries will draw more or less current when charging depending on their capacity (room to store current) and state of charge (how much is already in there), it depends on the charger, some chargers will only charge at a maximum of say 2 Amps, then it is the time the battery is charged for that gets longer, for example, a 17 A/hr battery will take 4 ish hours to charge at 4 Amps from empty, but 8 hours at 2 Amps. So big batteries will generally draw more current when charging if the charger can give it. Does that help?!
  2. Good work. Just wondering though ................. why do they call you tattooben?
  3. I'm glad you said that mate, am a bit reluctant to go back to the same place myself, didn't want to sound like a fanny but now we know there are a lot of blackthorn bushes there I'd prefer to swerve the place. With regard to Ox, we're all hoping everything will be ok, fingers crossed etc. The good news is that I am 100% sure that the dog will get everything he needs, there are lads with dogs and then there are lads like Paul, a credit to the working dog world. Good luck mate.
  4. I prefer a frantic evening of chicken choking myself ...............
  5. Now that serves me right for dithering!!!! I've been on the verge all weekend ...................... If I'd bought I'd have been living on a verge I reckon!!!!!
  6. Hi tim thats a pisser mate, please let me no how you are lamping your foxs, because most of the people ive had come out with me lamp in very different ways, by this i mean there technique its not good, now i don't wont you to think im takeing the piss here because im not im just giving some advice, you may not need it but i no there are some new comers on the site just getting in to the game so this is for. Try this, when you get in the field and your happy with your position with wind and such like have a quick flick round with the lamp don't stop even if you get eyes first time ro
  7. I'll have obe of those please mate if you don't mind posting it? Will go nice on the Blitz I bought off here yesterday!
  8. Exactly the review I've been waiting for! Will be having one of those this week I reckon. If I can find anyone who's got them in stock ...............
  9. I'll have that mate please. Will pm you right now.
  10. I wouldn't have said £36 was particularly cheap, but if it keeps you out of the playgrounds then that's all good. Darcys purchase
  11. Any photos of the lady please? Stafford is the sensible answer, but a properly bred one, none of your crossbred shite that has spent the first 6 weeks of it's life in the coal shed covered in cack.
  12. That'll be that Hogan Howe Chief Constable who's leading that, he f****d up with the "Dangerous Dogs" so is onto that now, he'll be even more pissed off today, he was rejected for the post of Met Commissioner. Or could it be that there are more hunters in Merseyside?! Remember, do nothing illegal there'll be no evidence against you, seems simple enough.
  13. A 19 year old blondie asking to go out with naughty boys in the dark ............ Be careful young lady, someone like me might reply ...... :kiss:
  14. You could try a pm to KO Shamo on here, he was saying recently that he'd love a pair of gold and white soft leather boots.
  15. I think you've been taken for a mug mate, and there's only 1 thing you can do now, it's not your fault but you have to regain your dignity, not least for the fact that this will gnaw away at you for ever unless you go to this persons house and smash f**k out of them to let them know you will not be disrespected like that. And when they are lying whimpering in a pool of blood and shit, then maybe they will understand that it's nice to be nice, until it isn't. Don't suppose this person is in Ireland? We could share the driving! You could also just write it off to experience and fo
  16. It's mad isn't it, one mans poison and all that. I'm now on Vista, with 3Gb of RAM and a dual core processor blah blah blah, I've used every OS since 95 in my time and have to say that Vista with Firefox browser is the best and most stable I ever had.
  17. Part of the attraction with back door fun with ladies is that it is much more humiliating for them to be forced to lick the man clean after he's been in there ........... Sweetcorn anyone?
  18. No, really, you didn't take the advice given, you completely disregarded it and potentially put the life of your animal in danger, you were strongly advised to seek vetinary help, you didn't even ring the vet, you simply decided it would all be ok in the morning, and luckily it seems it was. Whether you are 16 or 60, if you are in the position where you have concern enough to ask here for advice, and that advice is to get the dog to the vet, and you choose not to, then you can't expect any help in the future really can you? On a personal level, am I included in the "wankers and toss
  19. You've been given FREE advice by some of the most experienced working dog lads around, and you reply by saying you're going to ignore that advice, but say that you treat your dogs like children ........... I hope you never have any real children. You could easily have been burying that dog this morning. I wouldn't have thought you'd be getting any more advice. You didn't even ring the vet? Doesn't sound much like you deserve to own a dog!
  20. I'll have a couple please mate, a worthy cause indeed. Have you sorted out a way to take postal payments? Regards A
  21. Midland has the biggest selection of stalls mate.
  22. Tom, is the notice a conditional offer of a fixed penalty? If it is, the I'd say take it. My partner got stopped at 94MPH on the M6 a couple of weeks ago and got a £60 and 3 points, I think they should bring back the death penalty in her case!!! Just thought of the obvious answer ............ Does your wife know it wasn't her? If not then perhaps she had been driving a bit fast lately ..........
  23. Did he leave the eyes in for you? To see you through the week .............
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