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Strong Stuff

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Everything posted by Strong Stuff

  1. Oops!!! Forgot all about it mate, dead sorry. On it's way in the morning I promise!
  2. Hold fire on those mate, there are 2 lads here sending them back due to a problem with peeling.
  3. Thanks for the feedback. The fact that they are Made In Great Britain from 100% British materials is reason enough for lads to stop buying the mass produced Chinese shite that is sold on ebollox! British Jobs For British Workers! The 3/4" wide stuff is going well, am using one of the leads myself and it's wearing in nicely.
  4. well its too short to be yours SS Cheeky old git!
  5. Was asked how big these batteries are, hope this helps. T, this is your lads belt, it'll be in the post in the morning.
  6. Sainsburys car park! Get a spare while you're there ........
  7. Is there going to be a USB device that squirts fox piss out under your desk??? Thats the only reason I go hunting is to sniff the bushes near fox earths, I LOVE THE SMELL OF FOX PISS IN THE MORNINGS!
  8. I can see that point very clearly, only the other day I went into a local hardware shop near me to be told my dog was a "beast" and had chased and killed some sheep .............. (he hadn't killed any!) The lad who was doing the gossiping is worse than f*****g Norris off Corrie, but I know where he got his info, so that's someone who won't be getting told anything again. It was Lurcher lads I was talking about.
  9. As the Irish lads have sussed! Orders welcome from anywhere in Europe though!!
  10. two problems with that bright idea,he might be bigger than you and give you a good kicking,secondly,its f**k all to do with anyone what other people do with there dog,but well done for stringing a sentence together and the spellings good because lets face it to come up with a comment like that you must have the mental age of a ten year old. It doesn't give the best of impressions to a new member when people advocate violence because they disagree with someones ideas, Dare, you did know the lad offering the dog for stud is now a member here? What would be good is if someone who lived
  11. Done mate! Reason it was full is because my Donator subscription ran out today, normal members only get little inboxes! Will have to find a Paypal user to re sub me ASAP.
  12. Buy 2 x 10 A/h? Seriously though, although I haven't properly drained mine yet, I can't imagine from the feedback so far that you'd need 2? They are reckoned to last a nights lamping with the bigger lamps, so I think most will be hard pushed to empty one in a normal night, one thing that might be good is a vehicle charger, these cells don't suffer from any memory effect so can be topped up, perhaps in between "permission"?!
  13. Just received your letter Wetdogsmell, many thanks, they'll be posted this morning. Oh and errrrr ................ BUMP!
  14. Maybe you might try reading the site rules before bumping your own ad up 3 times in the same day!? No I'm not a moderator, nor want to be one, but I'm f****d off with bothering to write my own ads properly to have them knocked down the page by knobs who don't read the rules.
  15. No Surrender eh? I wonder where they've nicked that phrase from ............ No Surrender! Little history lesson for you!
  16. How pissed off am I? You didn't reply to my PM which I sent earlier yesterday saying I'd buy it (after having recently read Bosuns copy), but not just that ............. 2 moderators have posted on a thread that breaks site rules, as in a for sale post with no price, no location and one which is apparently an auction, neither of whom suggested you might change your ad to conform with site rules, it's looking rather like one rule for one and another for everyone else.
  17. just picked up a new lithium ion battery yesterday,{many thanks..northeastfieldsports for going out of your way to help} off out with it now, let you know how i get on, first impressions are good, carnt believe how light it is compared with standard battery. Hows it doing, what did you pay?? These are light but I here they have problems with the damp (not a clue personally) but the price is ... :sick: What's the verdict?? I bought one on impulse the other day, so far so good, only been out once with it, but it's a joy to go lamping without all that weight on your bac
  18. Shocking! Contact Us Contact us direct on:- phone (m) 07891527566 (text or call)Email sgb1973@hotmail.com
  19. I will have in the next couple of days!!!! You must be bored if you're tidying your car out!? I'll swap you it for a puppy collar ...............
  20. the tats mate I was joking mate, I saw them in the first photo, you've got plenty for sure!
  21. Is that the one with the white and orange cover? How much are you looking for for it?
  22. I shouted that once upon a time ............ it finished with "VOTE FOR NATIONAL FRONT" And now Gordon Brown is saying it, mad old world eh?! The best bit was ............................. The NF didn't have any election candidates at the time!!! Muppets! As for tabloids, the last time I bought one of those rags was around 1989. 'Nuff said.
  23. You should have my money shortly, posted enough for 2 mugs yesterday, sorry for delay, was having cash flow problems due to timewasting, nuisance, annoying people who order stuff then don't send the money!!! I hope you don't get messed around while selling these, it can be a right pain selling stuff sometimes. As others have said above, your mate is very lucky to have friends like you.
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