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Strong Stuff

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Everything posted by Strong Stuff

  1. Thanks mate, another decent easy to deal with lad, much appreciated. Funny how the best lads seem to come from the same City ...........
  2. Arrived yesterday, posted gear yesterday too. Thanks mate
  3. I'm on my way!!!! Mind if I bring a few mates ..................
  4. Have been asked by Bryan to post this, I believe he is away again in Bangkok playing with the Ladyboys ......... From around October until last week Bryan and Cooper off here were selling Ortovox locator kits which included collars I donated, the profits from the sale of those kits was to be given to the family of Greg D who died in the USA leaving his young family with no insurance and therefore no income. The total raised and which has now been given to Gregs widow was $2060. Huge thanks to all those who bought the kits.
  5. hey hey steady on pal i got the barryvox pulse kit i used the pieps box and collar tuesday used a barryvox saturday im more on the barryvox side of things, i ordered mine and said i wanted 1.5 inch i thought you could only get 1.5 inch or 2.0 inch, i must admit 1.5 is a little big for my terriers because theyre only small, soon as i scrape a bit of money together with work being sh*T at the moment il get the 1.0 inch collar, SS - top gear PM me your address, I'll send you a 1" collar, have got a few here already made up, as long as you're not fussy on colour! You can have this one o
  6. Good first post mate ......... Welcome to The Hunting Life!
  7. I prefer the Sunday shows myself mate. To be honest I've been to loads of shows over the last couple of years and still haven't been to a busy one held on a saturday, I think people just have too much else to do?
  8. Not far, unless you're a Bailiff, in which case my name is George and I just moved to Cornwall ..........
  9. Slip leads look good, but to be honest mate, your shadow theatre is shite, is that a rabbit or a dog?????
  10. All I'd say is treat the dog like the domesticated wild animal that it is, be sensible and it needn't be a problem. Can't imagine how it must feel to lose a child, am sure life would never be the same again.
  11. Has she bin bagged you?! I only ask because "holiday" + "Scarborough" in February doesn't sound the best of ideas .................. Surely not in a caravan? Be careful who invites you mate, there's some right nasty rough boys from over that way on here!!! You'll never walk the same way again!!
  12. It was your post on the P14 that got me to look at them in the first place!
  13. yes i'm sure strong stuff's accountant fills all the appropriate box's in on his tax return concerning this Still on S/A as I don't make a great deal of profit by the time everything is taken out, and to declare myself as a business would mean long term planning, I don't know what I'll be doing tomorrow! Nothing to hide in that respect here though I assure you. Just to clarify, Jay hasn't had any gear off me, but did cause me to work 1 and a half days making his gear on the promise he actually wanted it, hence my being extremely pissed off with him, mostly because he's a lying t
  14. Have had a couple of interesting messages and phone calls today, seems I'm not the only one who has a problem with Jay. One to be avoided I'd suggest.
  15. Why would I? The whole point of this to shout it loud that he's a dick! I'm quite happy to take any consequences that may come. He's still not a customer .............. Customers pay! I've already said I'm very lucky to be able to please myself, if lads want my gear then they want it, if they don't they don't, seems simple enough to me. It's not £10 worth either, It's £100, a day and a half's work, a day and a half I could've spent with my hand on my cock or whatever I wanted to do, certainly not making gear for a useless lying dick like him. Danny , PM me your address,
  16. DIMWIT! Am I supposed to start boasting about how much I make blah blah blah now am I? I won't be doing that, I don't earn fortunes making my gear, but .............. and here's the thing cockwipe, I get to meet loads of decent lads, get to run my dog up and down the country on all sorts of mega permission, get the best advice if and when I need it, get to spend my summer dossing around the shows free of charge most of the time, and the best bit ............... I can choose who I have in my world, I don't have to deal with divvies most of the time. I've got no boss, if I want to sp
  17. And you're just taking the opportunity to stick your 2 pence worth in because I slated you for A. Posting on here that you needed a hunting partner, leaving your post up 2 hours then calling us all the names under the sun for not replying, and B. Because I said you weren't very responsible for allowing your dogs to escape ............. not once but twice! So wind your neck in there's a good lad. Professional? I make collars on my kitchen table, I don't pretend anything else. "Work related websites"??? Is there a website for Binmen now? Whatever will they think of next?!
  18. As if it ever existed!! Yes mate all done, I just need to get over to see Garfield, need more gear from Brum so prob be early next week. Can I see some pics before I answer that please?
  19. I'm sure you do get twats everywhere, but, I try and be decent with people, I just don't understand why lads feel the need to order stuff they can't pay for? Unless it's all a conspiracy and Bellend and Felch are paying them to ring?! Paranoid? Me? Just a bit! Wink, most of the muppets are your mates!!! LOL!
  20. What is it about the human nature that makes some fools try and seem more than they really are, I'm only posting this because this lad is insulting my intelligence now with his lies. Story starts 3 weeks ago, some lad who knows a mate of mine gets my mate to pass his number on so I could ring him because he's got an order for me, I didn't ring him (intuition?) so the next morning at 8.30 the lad is on the phone giving an order, but in between all that he's telling me how great he is, how he's a cage fighter, started working the doors at 16, been shot, etc etc ect ............. It did cross
  21. Have read about those too, you must have been lucky and got one of the first batch, they've changed the LED's in them now I hear, no longer the better quality Cree emitters .........
  22. Just done a load of boring research into torches, and there is a cracking write up in the reviews section on here by Watchmaker the torch God! I found that while Surefire are excellent, they suffer badly from short battery life, expensive battery replacement, and quite expensive to buy the top end ones to start with. Then I found these: LED Lenser P7 I shit you not mate, these are the absolute bollocks!!!! And they are "only" £50, they take normal AAA sized cells, there is a model that takes AA size, but that's not easily available. This torch is good enough to run r
  23. There's a man on here says his Alaunt took one ...............
  24. Saw OX last night, I wouldn't like to say how his eye is doing, that's for B11 to say, but he does seem up in spirit and one thing is for sure he's getting all the love and care any dog could hope for!
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