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Strong Stuff

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Everything posted by Strong Stuff

  1. I wouldn't dispute that at all. But ......... the stuff in question is shite! I'm just making sure no one thinks it's my gear! are they making copys of your products? or are they making leather products? i dont understand They are selling terrier couples made like I make them, as far as I aware I had an arrangement with the bloke concerned that he'd stick to leather and I'd carry on doing what I do. Obviously he sells more than me ............. because the leather gear needs replacing regularly! oh right i see, i must say the synthetic ones you make do look much better th
  2. I wouldn't dispute that at all. But ......... the stuff in question is shite! I'm just making sure no one thinks it's my gear! are they making copys of your products? or are they making leather products? i dont understand They are selling terrier couples made like I make them, as far as I aware I had an arrangement with the bloke concerned that he'd stick to leather and I'd carry on doing what I do. Obviously he sells more than me ............. because the leather gear needs replacing regularly! oh right i see, i must say the synthetic ones you make do look much better th
  3. I wouldn't dispute that at all. But ......... the stuff in question is shite! I'm just making sure no one thinks it's my gear! are they making copys of your products? or are they making leather products? i dont understand They are selling terrier couples made like I make them, as far as I aware I had an arrangement with the bloke concerned that he'd stick to leather and I'd carry on doing what I do. Obviously he sells more than me ............. because the leather gear needs replacing regularly!
  4. In fairness mate, the big collars I started off making are quite similar to others available, after all, a collar is a collar is a collar, hopefully people can see that what I've done is source the best materials available (all made in Great Britain of course!) and put them together properly, none of this mass produced cack here! I wouldn't expect lads to boycott the fella, as above though, am just pointing out that on this occasion what walks like a duck and quacks like a duck isn't a duck, it's cheapo chinese made stuff! Thanks for the PM by the way, useful info re. my boots.
  5. I wouldn't dispute that at all. But ......... the stuff in question is shite! I'm just making sure no one thinks it's my gear!
  6. The bloke is a businessman, I can see why he's copied my gear, but he always said our stalls didn't affect each other because his gear was leather and mine webbing ....... However, it would be the easiest thing in the world for me to make some leather gear, only thing is I won't because I couldn't give my guarantee on it, and I won't sell anything I'm not 100% behind. But I could always get some of the chinese made shite he sells and do it cheaper than his but as a seperate business, no warranty etc ............. but then who'd buy that!? I'd sort of decided not to bother with so many sh
  7. Lucky off here is your man for the Scoobys.
  8. Not trying to start any trouble but ............ There are only 2 people who sell genuine Strong Stuff gear (genuine as in made by me and guaranteed) 1 person is JH @ DD Timber Products in the North East. The other is me, either directly or at some of the shows. No other person has my gear, however well they might think they've had it copied!!!! The person in question has a stall at a lot of shows and has been going a long time, I thought he'd have more sense than to try and copy what I do.
  9. Seems a good plan ............ burning the ethnics .............
  10. PM the member "Dougie" off here, he knows the area round there like the back of his hand (he should do too being a Policeman), he gave me very concise directions, top bloke!
  11. Have been asked mate, but to be honest they're not my thing, I wouldn't make anything I wasn't happy using myself, I like to keep things simple (it suits me!) and these slips here are pretty much foolproof so I'll stick to making these. All the best A Hello mate, how much for 3 wide ones, posted? Cheers, D. Hello Mister! It's as easy for me to make them out of 1.5" wide as it is 1" wide, but check they'll slide through the ring on your collars first, think you got collars off me? Are they 1.5" wide or 2" wide? Either way, they are the same price, £5 for 2 or
  12. If anyone needs directions, then PM Dougie, he's local and more than happy to give directions. Dougie Hopefully see some of you there on Sunday.
  13. Lowas mate? Excellent! Can't say a bad word about them, dead comfortable, easy to clean, and look great with stockings and a whip! Seriously though, am well pleased with mine.
  14. Have been asked mate, but to be honest they're not my thing, I wouldn't make anything I wasn't happy using myself, I like to keep things simple (it suits me!) and these slips here are pretty much foolproof so I'll stick to making these. All the best A
  15. Bugger me I'm horrible sometimes! Sorry mate, wasn't meant to sound that harsh!! I'll edit that right now.
  16. Will you mate? They are 2 for a fiver ............. All the best. A
  17. Definitely not! Why on earth would you working dog lads want me to keep records of your names and addresses? All nice and discrete here mate, it's surely not that difficult to post cash?
  18. Last batch of these before they go up, like everything else lately the webbing I use for these has just gone up in price
  19. Thanks for the feedback, much appreciated. I'll have a few of each of these with me at Shugborough show next weekend if anyone wants to collect them there.
  20. PM Dougie off here, he's got a Vitara with bars on, tell him I volunteered him to take some photos, am sure once he's stopped calling me names he'll help you out! Or, you could always try WILF, am sure he used to work for a firm preparing Vitaras for extreme urban use (mostly ice cream vans!)
  21. all i can say is poor wilf i wonder how many pointless PM's he gets:D I bet you he sends twice as many! I say live and let live, if he wants to make a living selling bowls and cups with photos of his mates dogs on then fair play to him!
  22. Hi Bryan, hope the therapy is going well and you are learning to distinguish between men dressed as ladies and actual ladies now.

  23. thats what i been doig but someone told me you had to run it flat before charging . how long would it normaly take to charge from flat ?i have a 350ma charger and it can take up to 24 hours . 20 hours sounds about right with that charger, divide the capacity (7200 mAh by the rate at which you're filling it 350 mAh) and you'll get your time taken to charge, this assumes the battery is empty.
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