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Strong Stuff

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Everything posted by Strong Stuff

  1. Strong Stuff


    Names is it? Graham ........... My name is spelt Aaron, thanks.
  2. Strong Stuff


    THAT SHEEPS MAKING ME FEEL SICK You should have seen it when it was inside out! :sick:
  3. Strong Stuff


    How come you've stuck my name all over the thread? It's not me you got a problem with, maybe you could modify your heading to clarify exactly who you got the problem with and who has let you down, because it certainly isn't me!
  4. Strong Stuff

    Ebay ad

    That is exactly my point!
  5. :sick: With offers like that I guess you're being let out on your own for the day?! Will they make you wear your special coat?
  6. It's your turn to go home with a pup ...........
  7. Strong Stuff

    Ebay ad

    You don't help yourself do you?! Why not just take out a newspaper ad telling everyone that you're going to be doing something where your dog might get ripped and need stitching. I know you're young, but for fucks sake, either keep it quiet or don't do it, because it would be easy to draw the conclusion that you might be showing off ..............
  8. Divide the battery capacity by the charge rate to get your charge time ............... 17 A/h battery charged @ 500 mA/h will take 34 hours to fully charge 17 A/h battery charged @ 800 mA/h will take 21 hours to fully charge Buy a Lithium pack!
  9. Good link mate! Will be having some of those connectors. Am surprised no one has offered to sort JPT's battery and lamp out for her yet ................ I would but I'd only disgrace myself by getting caught rummaging in her knicker drawer
  10. Indeed! Royal mail Special Delivery, costs £4 and means you are insured up to £500 as standard. Don't let the P.O. con you into buying Postal Orders, if they get lost they make you wait 120 days before refunding.
  11. Ring them up, agree your deal, and post them the cash ............. doesn't sound too difficult? I think WILF was getting some of those Lithium packs in and was sure he could beat £125, maybe worth a try?
  12. Strong Stuff


    JUST SAY NO! It's only a small step from starting smoking a bit of weed to this:
  13. Indeed!!!! Because as we've seen ................ you can cross a Blue Peter Labrador with a Greyhound and get what looks like a Bull X ............... you'll only find out it's got no heart when you've spent a year feeding it! They are good for helping old ladies across the road though!
  14. Nice one A but am after the brown ones I was going to get them meindl's till I seen the thread on here about them what do you prefer??? the lowas or the meindls??? The Lowas I got are well easier to clean when muddy than the Meindls, I just hose them off when I get home, because they are smooth nothing sticks to them. Was well happy with Meindls until I had that problem with them.
  15. Actually they are shaved, with a french manicure on my toenails. :kiss:
  16. Have a look at the one's J bought, they are Lowas, but different, they look good, and he gave decent money for them. Unless you're a size 10 and fancy some Meindl Dovres .......... brand new pair here going cheap(er).
  17. Be careful who's watching you If its you watching me keep your eyes north of my gentlemens area you perv............ Si, do you think he does that too??? When I met him, I was sure he kept looking at my arse, could feel his eyes burning into the back of my jeans, too much time spent with Darcy I reckon ...........
  18. It's a shop he's opening mate, am sure there'll be plenty there to spend your money on!
  19. There's no £1000 CMW prize this year, they are giving dog related products away and smaller cash prizes, although I wouldn't have thought too many will bother with the Midland this year anyway. That new store opening is 170m away from me, 3 hours each way ................... but I'll deffo be there! If there are any young girls with big boobies who need a lift then I'm your man
  20. I hope you're looking for a new courier firm! Celebrity?! They'll be very disappointed!!! Looking forward to coming over, should be a good day.
  21. Especially when you're on the vinegar strokes .....
  22. Sorry mate, thought I'd said about making the loops the same size somewhere on this thread, but can't find it now. Truth be told when I started making these originally I didn't use them myself, because I didn't have a Lurcher, once I did start using them I relaised it was a right pain in the hoop to be messing around trying to find which end was which, so I changed them to be both the same, any hole's a goal!
  23. No he's not using my name at all, I'd have taken rather more offence if he was! Simoman, yes. Nothing against the bloke personally, apart from being a black cloud of misery, but if the deal was he stayed with leather and I did my thing then I expect him to honour that. Beatnick, there'll be no franchises mate, ever, the only person who's work I'd be prepared to stand behind is my own, it'll be the ruin of me I'm sure but every single stitch of every single collar I make is done by me and me alone, I source the bits, put them together and do everything else, in England!!!! It
  24. That's not the book that smells ........... it's the Ginger Prince's fingers, does it smell sort of anal? But good luck with your sale, I believe it's a very rare book now. Is yours signed in crayon?
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