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Strong Stuff

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Everything posted by Strong Stuff

  1. This is something we've been discussing because few members are taking advantage of the leniency we've been showing towards home made stuff for sale in the craft section. By rights anything for sale should be in the classified section and one post per item is all it should take... But its ok to threaten people and act like you own the forum if any one trys to do anything you dont like. Why not just make ss the offical THL dog collar, lead ,slip ,game carrier.Ban everyone else from mentioning collars.Keep the click happy. No clique at all, my personal views on the matter are that there shoul
  2. As far as I was concerned, it was the perfect place to get your gear tested, hard by nasty rough boys who have no idea how to look after stuff. I came to this site, quite a long time ago, after I'd sold a collar to lad (Erb) and he was happy with it, he posted it on here and sent me a link to the thread, I had never even seen the site before that. It's as simple as this, if all my photos I've posted of gear I've made and any for sale ads were removed from this site, then I'd still be here, reading and posting. Think I'm here to sell? You must be joking, all I get is fcking messers, stupid f
  3. This is something we've been discussing because few members are taking advantage of the leniency we've been showing towards home made stuff for sale in the craft section. By rights anything for sale should be in the classified section and one post per item is all it should take... But its ok to threaten people and act like you own the forum if any one trys to do anything you dont like. Why not just make ss the offical THL dog collar, lead ,slip ,game carrier.Ban everyone else from mentioning collars.Keep the click happy. Sounds like a plan. Get your coat knobhead.
  4. Yes. Nice beddy, what is it out of? No idea, it's from a rescue, he's a pet.
  5. That's not what it says at all. First lesson, humility, instead of spamming the fck out of the forum with your gear, 20 posts for 1 collar, if it was any good, you'd post it and whoever got it would be so happy with your product/speed of service/communication and response time that they would tell everyone how good it is. Yes, you do annoy me, as would anyone who was seemingly just here to try and empty the pockets of the members, what do you put back? Are you a member of the CA? Do you donate any gear for raffles etc? Do you give prizes for shows? Do you fck! Take, take, tak
  6. i noticed tht 2 do u make somethingg similar ss? No, not with that type of fastening, I like the way it stays central, I'd imagine that if a collar was made with the D ring at the end instead of the buckle it would also keep the D ring in the middle of the dogs neck.,
  7. please do chid lol I new he would say sumat like that I am a fanny?? Ss was sending satan and tod pm that he is guna do me in haha never sent them to me did he yes ss fred told me I wanted it to be a surprise As if I didn't know that Fred wouldn't tell you, exactly why I sent him the pm in the first place you thicko. And his reply .......... That you'd said to him that I hadn't copyrighted the way I make my gear so you were going to copy it You unimaginative snide. No worries, I will see you, and when I do I'm going to tie you up with one of my collars and leads, give my dog
  8. That's not what it says at all. First lesson, humility, instead of spamming the fck out of the forum with your gear, 20 posts for 1 collar, if it was any good, you'd post it and whoever got it would be so happy with your product/speed of service/communication and response time that they would tell everyone how good it is. Yes, you do annoy me, as would anyone who was seemingly just here to try and empty the pockets of the members, what do you put back? Are you a member of the CA? Do you donate any gear for raffles etc? Do you give prizes for shows? Do you fck! Take, take, t
  9. please do chid lol I new he would say sumat like that I am a fanny?? Ss was sending satan and tod pm that he is guna do me in haha never sent them to me did he yes ss fred told me I wanted it to be a surprise As if I didn't know that Fred wouldn't tell you, exactly why I sent him the pm in the first place you thicko. And his reply .......... That you'd said to him that I hadn't copyrighted the way I make my gear so you were going to copy it You unimaginative snide. No worries, I will see you, and when I do I'm going to tie you up with one of my collars and leads, give my dog
  10. Not at all, you've missed the point. It's not about the money, it's about me having been arsed to make stuff and send it out FREE to plenty of lads for them to test, so I can find the best way to make stuff. Then someone comes along and copies it just because they either can't be arsed or haven't got the inclination to do something better than they did yesterday.
  11. I don't tell lies, I sent him a pm after the harness thread, he replied saying you know my gear wasn't copyrighted so you were free to copy it. It's a bit sad that the only feedback you get is from yourself, and that you have to spam the forum with hundreds of for sale posts for the same items. After you telling lies about the time you pm'd me to say that you agreed with me on BPR when I said he was after something for nothing ........... then you shit it and denied it, I lost any respect for you. You shouldn't tell lies, it's naughty.
  12. I don't need to advertise
  13. please do chid lol I new he would say sumat like that I am a fanny?? Ss was sending satan and tod pm that he is guna do me in haha never sent them to me did he yes ss fred told me I wanted it to be a surprise As if I didn't know that Fred wouldn't tell you, exactly why I sent him the pm in the first place you thicko. And his reply .......... That you'd said to him that I hadn't copyrighted the way I make my gear so you were going to copy it You unimaginative snide. No worries, I will see you, and when I do I'm going to tie you up with one of my collars and leads, give my dog
  14. Thats all well and good and its an admireable stance to take......but that stance can only work if your a small business or working from home type of thing......the luxury of choosing who you sell a product to or whos house you plaster cant work for a big business or a business " open to the public " so to speak.... A nightclub owner or restaurant owner for example who puts a notice on his doors saying " No Muslims " will be closed down by the end of the week and most probably on the front page of the News of the World !!...........Folk are constantly saying " dont just moan about it do some
  15. You big attention seeking fanny. It's the internet, turn it off if you don't like it.
  16. Thats all well and good and its an admireable stance to take......but that stance can only work if your a small business or working from home type of thing......the luxury of choosing who you sell a product to or whos house you plaster cant work for a big business or a business " open to the public " so to speak.... A nightclub owner or restaurant owner for example who puts a notice on his doors saying " No Muslims " will be closed down by the end of the week and most probably on the front page of the News of the World !!...........Folk are constantly saying " dont just moan about it do some
  17. Nice photos there. Noticed the collar too, looks good that, I like the original and unusual idea of making it adjustable that way Makes a lot of sense to have the wide part under the dogs neck when you have the lead attached.
  18. Is that the dogs or the leads?. Someone has had too much Tizer tonight, you'll never sleep now! Old Real Tree .......... I thought you bought the ones I was selling? I could hold a dog back on a silk cord,or tie it to a tractor and make use of some of them Strong stuff collars,individual owners and how much they put into the dogs education,educate or emancipate i suppose,how much does it cost now to shackle an un educated jukel?,£25,£30?. What a dick you are. What the fck is a "jukel"? Are you trying to be a olde worlde pi.key poacher, or have you just read too many (shite) books
  19. Is that the dogs or the leads?. Someone has had too much Tizer tonight, you'll never sleep now! Old Real Tree .......... I thought you bought the ones I was selling? I could hold a dog back on a silk cord,or tie it to a tractor and make use of some of them Strong stuff collars,individual owners and how much they put into the dogs education,educate or emancipate i suppose,how much does it cost now to shackle an un educated jukel?,£25,£30?. What a dick you are. What the fck is a "jukel"? Are you trying to be a olde worlde pi.key poacher, or have you just read too many (shite) books
  20. Is that the dogs or the leads?. Someone has had too much Tizer tonight, you'll never sleep now! Old Real Tree .......... I thought you bought the ones I was selling?
  21. Well ..... I'll be buying British this time, was cleaning my almost new Meindl's today, I think it's quite poor that the rubber is peeling apart on the toe ........ cheap Eastern Euopean made crap is all they are these days. That would be ok if they were £29.99, but at £190, it's not on! Altberg will be getting my money I think. As above though, got a pair of Lowas that are 5 years old now, really well made, no issues at all with them.
  22. As always, people (no one in particular) make loads of noise about getting rid of those who don't belong ........... But, someone is using their businesses and making them feel welcome. Don't expect others to do what you haven't done yourself. Don't deal with them, don't acknowledge them, walk through them, over them or around them, but don't give them your money. Out of hundreds and hundreds of "them" who have contacted me over the years for gear, I bet it can be counted on one hand the amount I've dealt with. I'd rather be skint then spending their money.
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