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Strong Stuff

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Strong Stuff last won the day on January 31 2013

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2,171 Excellent


About Strong Stuff

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter
  • Birthday 10/02/1966

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  1. North Wales Terrier and Lurcher Club are holding there annual show on Sunday 13th May at Abbey farm caravan park Llangollen LL20 8DD Hounds terriers and lurchers and classes for whippets Show starts at 1 pm Stalls welcome (not food) Many qualifiers For camping details please ring 01978 861297 For show enquiries please ring Damion on 07979831694 or email morrissey894@btinternet.com
  2. I don't know if anyone else heard Jeremy Vine today talking about this, he mentioned very briefly that there were a lot of "young muslim women" using the abortion clinic. He also mentioned that the pro life lot were handing pink or blue rosaries to the women entering the clinic.
  3. Had it not far off a year now, it's fast, it holds the road really well, it's very economical, dead comfortable on long journeys, loads of room in the back (like a van with the seats down), cheap and easy to service (have done discs/pads/inner and outer steering arms/2 oil services/strut inserts and a few other bits) it would make a brilliant family car I'd say.
  4. I had a 1998 TD5 for 10 years ( the same one), did around 200,000 miles in it, and loved it. Had a few small problems with it, but if you can do stuff yourself or find a good trusted independent lad then they are no worse to own than a normal car. This "3 amigos" lights thing, is only a problem because people try and avoid replacing the hub unit, I did both my fronts with s/h Timmken ones (avoid the cheap ebay ones) they cost around £50 each + an hours labour for someone who knows the job, never had a problem again. Sunroofs leaking is an absolute twat, but you do get used to it and learn
  5. strongstuff will be there It's only 10 minutes from my house, would be rude not to
  6. is the sole any good on you're new ones? Is it a common fault or were you unlucky do yo think I'm told, and it could of course be bollocks ... That the midsole part will degrade over time, normally slower than the outer sole wears so there is never a problem, the midsole is replaced when the outer sole is, they come as a unit, in the case of my boots they may have been old stock and the midsole degraded quicker than the outer sole ... Time will tell if that is nonsense. The new sole looks fine so far after a good few months wear, I'm heavy on boots in a different way to digging lads, I
  7. Hanwag. I know a few who've got them so I got them last spring, been the most comfortable boots I've had, and I've had Lowa, Meindl etc. Had a problem with the soles on mine after 15 months wearing them, I do around 90 minutes walking a day, every day in them, the midsole crumbled, rang Bushcraft, they got them sorted with Hanwag and I had them resoled within 4 days. The uppers are definitely the best leather I've seen, some of the Meindl boots look like they are made out of plastic these days, they used to be good, but now they are made in Hungary or some other equally shit place. Jus
  8. Have you misunderstood mate? It looks like "UK Game Fair" has been cancelled and amalgamated into "Game Fair" (the new name for the CLA) so as to create 1 big event. But, I could be wrong, it has been known haha
  9. What a brilliant day! Really enjoyed ourselves, thanks to all @ Cheshire Hunt for their hospitality. Definitely a date for the diary for next year
  10. Had lots of enquiries through FB after I put the flyer on, so hopefully will be a busy show! I'll be there of course with plenty of gear made up
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