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Everything posted by gwalchmai4110

  1. hiya lads im a bit of hoarder when it comes to natural catapults. I have bough one or two nice ones off here just wandering if any one has any knocking about they would like to sell? anything considered atb
  2. there half sisters bud....... there mother is a bull greyhound generation bred half x the sire of the smaller bitch was a bitza with collie bull greyhound the sire of the racier bitch is a deerhound greyhound bud no world beater but have been run on nearly everything britain has to offer! atb
  3. hi lads.......just wandering if any one on here knows can you buy new reflectors? i have a 150 and 170 that are in need of new reflectors. if any one has an old one lying about they would like to sell or can point me in the right direction drop me a PM atb
  4. well next time your down bud....and my misis doesn't chop her b*****d finger off..... your more than welcome to a day here bud! atb
  5. top post mate! i know from speaking to you what she meant to you, but can only reiterate what has been said above. some lurchers are used as a tool of the trade and dont receive half the care i KNOW yours get bud! for that she was lucky! what happened to you with having her run over could of happened to anyone bud! no guilt needed on your behalf atb
  6. met up with joe off here last night after work, as joe has been flat out with his little busher "Luna" on a few spots doing reccie's and he had found a few bits and bobs he wanted to show me. he didnt disappoint and had definitely done his homework! we started out on the hill leaving the lurchers run loose along side his little busher. she was tireless and works like a hound and it wasnt long before she pushed the first fox out of some reeds. we moved on around the hill and bang the little busher was on a again and soon fox number two was making good his escape out across the hill. we
  7. bloody brilliant gaz fair play! atb
  8. superb pictures there bud................ looks a cracking part f the country atb
  9. owes stop kidding yourself and grow up!! the dog is not worth feeding you know that as well as me.....so if you just drop him off here on the weekend bud ill do the right thing! atb
  10. decent enough start here in wales......seemed to have a "lucky" spell. first hard frost here this morning so hope fully its on ward and up ward and can start some more testing places. scent has been shocking whilst out with the hounds but thats to be expected with this weather! atb
  11. my old man keep pedigree whippets! they would genuinely surprise a few people , as they are as hard as nails and will literally run anything you let them!? dont get me wrong there not going to be as efficient on certain game as a lurcher but obviously if this was your chosen quarry dont chose a whippet......but.....as handy little allrounders they are not to shabby! just a note the fox was shot and the whippets were used to track him down! atb
  12. i couldnt tell you her name buddy but im sure plucky is right. do you know how the rest of the litter are getting on? atb
  13. shes in season fella so she has a couple of weeks off at minute atb
  14. totally agree bud! i dont know what it is but those little hill ewes test a lurcher to his limits! mine have to be spot on as i run mine to a pack of hounds so i have to trust if they are slipped and miss, and the quarry makes the cover i have to trust them to stay steady when the huntsman is hiking on hounds in the dense cover. atb
  15. he uses the one he has posted above john, which i have to say you really do have to see the big lump hunt to believe it.....i think he is a bull grey hound back to a fox hound? and he uses a coliie deerhound bull grey hound? i may be wrong but again she will cast off for miles in pursuit of her quarry.......very excited way of hunting. atb
  16. yes mate sorry should have made it clearer, the lad i go with, his lurchers could be showing 3km away on gps and can be seen hunting opposite valleys. very often the lurcher could have hunted up for 5-10km before his quarry is put up. He then has to find another gear to bring the whole thing to an end. just wandering f any one hunts this way and what dogs atb
  17. been doing a bit of hill work with the lurchers lately with a good friend of mine who has a couple of good lurchers for the hill. i am really getting into this way of hunting as i find it not only exciting but efficient. i was just wandering if any of the other boys on here keep a day?hill dog and use them to cast out and hunt up on there own? wandering what crosses are being used successfully for this job? i can imagine there are a few essential traits....stamina, good feet, and a good nose! any info or pictures would be superb atb
  18. Well said i can assure you she will not be leaving my kennels........im a lot of things but im not stupid! have you seen the price these plummer pups fetch!!!??? shes mine and owes retirement fund fella........infact shes in season now! atb
  19. gaz that busher is looking in fine fettle! great coat on her! all credit to you mate! did a reccie here last couple of nights and when the weather starts playing ball we will be good to go mate got a number of little plantings and dingles for you to go at! atb
  20. hi lads just wandering is there any stick makers on here? in the market for a nice stick and looking to purchase some seasoned shanks? atb
  21. two deffo were, one was an old vixen, as grey as they come and hardly a tooth in her head. atb
  22. yes she did well.....shes so easy going its mad. thats five in a week for her mate! atb
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