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gwalchmai4110 last won the day on December 15 2017

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1,758 Excellent


About gwalchmai4110

  • Rank
    Mega Hunter

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  • Location
    mid wales
  • Interests
    terrier work, fishing lamping

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  1. saw some of these dogs go and they are real crackers. I own one now bred down from Brian, shes a real likable little bitch always on the go atb
  2. Here she is.....little Winnie... some genuine lads still in this game, I sent my bitch to Chris on here to be lined....he ended up sorting the mating....keeping the bitch there until she whelped and then rearing the pup. I went the weekend to fetch both the dam and pup back...both in incredible condition and I tried to give the lad some cash as a token which genuinely offended him and he laughed in my face lol. deffo some decent lads left in the game. Also a huge shout out to fox pack for not only allowing me to use the dog, but by saying my nephew you can keep the only pup that
  3. the above pup is out of willow bud! hope your well? atb
  4. yes mate i hunted it with the hounds two weeks ago put half a dozen of there..... its lovely place for a walk earlier on in the season when all the cover is up
  5. I was having a shitty day but that sir has brightened it up. I feel a book should be published, a sort of Cesar Milan in layman's terms. ATB
  6. I hope that my comments above were taken as a joke!? the lad gifted me two pups from a litter that he could of punted for a good few quid....in fact.....he offered me as many as I wanted to run on from the litter as it happens and I got first pick. Wouldn't take a penny for them. They had wanted for nothing, were a picture of health. he may be from the valleys but I cant hold that against him hes a good sort really atb
  7. My Old man has a pair.... The dog is a great animal...tough as old boots will plough into anything. have done him well breeding the pair this summer and im hoping to get some out into a few working homes but we will see atb
  8. mate I paid my money took my chance....... but ou must have reared them on caviar and champagne
  9. I paid a grand for my last two off him out of his last litter.....rearing costs he said......and one ended up dying and no refund offered atb
  10. there a smart type....any siblings to enzo about or was she the last? atb
  11. You got a pic bud.... I wish I still had his mother here she was some bitch
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