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Everything posted by RemyBolt

  1. Got a call from the farmer to clear out House 10, double check House 1, and do what I can with House 2. Last time I was in house 10 I took one shot, killed one rat, and the farmer said he didn't see any more in there for months. So I was excited to be back there. There has been a few months of time passed in which the rats will have bred! This is going to be a slaughter! I looked at the temperature reading in my car. It was 4 degrees. Immediately I start to panic. "Crap. It's 4 degrees. I'm using CO2. Everyone knows CO2 sucks at low temperatures. I'm going to end up injuring some rats toni
  2. Pretty much, yeah. It's a lot more complicated, but yes. Simplified, Job was tested by the devil and he did not lose his faith in God. I'm basing my understanding of this conversation on the principle that there must be 2 different people named Job. Thought I'd just sit back and see where everyone was going with this. Unless someone is confusing Job with Joseph (dream interpreter with the funky coloured coat). Joseph told the pharaoh to do some things. I don't think building the pyramids was one of them though. OOOOW, the temptation to throw a massive spanner into all this.......oo
  3. I have to say either. We cannot recreate the physical structure of the pyramids. FACT. Top architects and engineers are still trying to work out how it would be possible to create such intricate work and perfect alignment of bricks/blocks that size, and not have enough space to slide a razor blade! Oh, and add to that the PERFECTLY straight tunnels that continue on and on into the structure. We would not be able to do that either. This is not something that's open to debate. The lead engineers in the world are unsure how it could be done in those days, especially as we would not be able to do
  4. That's cool. Massive den though. Look at teaching them to build a debris shelter. I've slept in them and woken up to snow outside. Best of all, I wasn't even in a sleeping bag. Just slept out and woke up toasty as can be. If you make it with about 2.5-3 feet of debris, you will be waterproof. If you get up to 6feet of debris, you'll be warm to -10 for sure! Obviously you'll need a lot of debris on the floor to insulate you from that too. Awesome to see the kids out the house though. Top work mate.
  5. That's terrifying! Just checked Taunton close to where I live. Scarey stuff! Any parent in Taunton would be worried.
  6. Chris, what's behind the bushes on the first picture? Next time you're down by the woods, get a picture facing the woods from a little way back and get a picture looking along the boarder of the woods. I'll see if I can pop down a permission later and get some pics of what to look for. Actually I will just walk the dogs with my wife and get some pics for you.
  7. That's a fair point. Thankfully all my neighbours are very used to the sound of my springer. The fast that I took a window out to make it easier to hang out and clean the gutter...they're pretty used to me. But still, I'll take the shot from a semi concealed spot. Just make sure my gun is all inside the window and draped in bedroom camo...white, to match the walls.
  8. Well, here's an odd one. Neighbour popped over and said "I've heard you're good with shooting rats." To which I lied and said "Yes, I'm a good shot. How come?" Thinking her mother (rich with a lot of land) might want me to pop over and take out some rabbits or something for her. Well, it turns out that my neighbour has a couple of rats that are eating off her bird table! Yes, right next to my garden. So now I have permission to shoot out of my bedroom window, over the fence, to take out the rats. One of the benefits of this, I'm now keeping a tub of pellets, a little gun oil, and my sp
  9. Well, I'm not risking it. I'll just stick to the companies I know and trust. Sorry Morgans.
  10. Or just a massive EMP Hollywood style.
  11. Madoc or Madog ab Owain Gwynydd was said to have sailed there in 1170 upon reaching there he left the first lot of settlers there and returned home to get more settlers and once again sailed westward on this time landing in a different place. Some people say it was King Arthur's II brother who's name was also Madoc who sailed there in 562. http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/news/943967/posts TC is that not what frazdog was on about ? Giants before the flood and lived for 900 yrs old http://socioecohistory.wordpress.com/2014/03/11/jim-vieira-suppressed-history-of-giants-of-north-am
  12. Not the same situation. Our society is roughly as one, in these historic examples there was two societies living together, the technologically advanced one being the 'invader'. I think if in these examples there had been full social integration then the remnants of the original society would have retained the foreign skills and knowledge, partly through necessity having lost part of their own more primitive one. But there are whole societies that have collapsed. Cultures and empires like the Greeks, Romans, Mayans, Babylonians, Egyptians, Inca, all went from the pinnacle of societal struc
  13. Wow, there's so much to learn in regards to trapping. At the moment I'm working on snaring, and I had to Google Imbra. When it came up as International Marriage Broker Regulatory Authority....I got suspicious!
  14. Wow! The back of that guy's neck! That was a 'small pat' from the looks of the video! Oh my goodness that power is scarey!!!
  15. I'm fascinated by this new direction we're heading in. The idea that a society, seemingly advanced, can rapidly crash, technologically. What do you think are the chances of a technological breakdown like that in the UK?
  16. A home has been found for this little critter. Sorry if you were interested.
  17. The more I look into it, the less I'm believing it. It'd be cool if it was true, but there are certain key figures and events that existed in this period, e.g. Charlemagne, Mohammed + the writing of the Qaran, and the battles between the Chinese Tang Dynasty and the Muslims. All of which are documented. The European history of that age is....flakey in most areas, but what we do have is backed up by other calendars from around the world. Shame really. It was a cool idea.
  18. The field goes right to those woods mate. Only barbed wire splitting it apart. No houses that way for miles but the forestry have all that land. So do you think the land is useless mate? I'm waiting for the grass to be cut down abit then as you say pigeons might land. It's certainly not useless! You have a permission, and that's well worth having, even if there is little to no quarry. You get to practice a lot of skills, distance estimating, shooting (you can always set up a few targets to shoot at), concealment, hide making, and things like that. At the moment I'd be more incline
  19. ME! haha There pretty feckin safe then, especially if you snaring them haha Haha, I should have seen that coming. Good answer. Genuinely, I think it'll have such a negative effect on the larger scale sites, e.g. chicken farms and the alike, that it'll need to be re-instigated and re-legalised. Either that or the price of eggs and other rat-effected-produce will skyrocket. Anyone whose been under a chicken house (it's a bloody barn, not a house!) knows that good housekeeping is not really a massive option. Unless chickens are moved from house to house every few weeks, you're going
  20. Harsh to hear about the rabbits. Mixy is vicious! Nice catch though.
  21. That's my view too. As for the advocates, they are generally using architecture and carbon dating that suggests that the period we think of as bring 600-900AD actually never happened. Records from those periods do not seem to exist and architecture from 600AD is identical to 900AD, and in 300 years there is no variance, but there are also no other buildings 'recognised' as bring from between 600-900AD. Weird hu? Not all that weird at all mate, ain't 600-900ad roughly when the dark age took place? Its called the dark age because pretty much feck all happened once the romans left and all the
  22. Even though you don't have permission to shoot the woods, how far down does the field go in comparison to the woods? I wouldn't be surprised if you had a lot of pigeons or rooks/crows in those woods. But remember only to shoot them if the situation falls within the bounds of the General License. The last thing you want is to break the GL guidelines that close to people's houses.
  23. Nice one. Hide looks awesome...just don't be shooting in there on windy days.
  24. I think this is the only one that could be right. But even if it is right, it doesn't change a thing. So it's really just a mental exercise more than anything. It's known that the months were changed so that a queen's birthday was the first day of the year. Years have been changed so that monarch's could reign on prestigious dates, e.g. 1000AD. I think this could have legs, but even if it does, nothing changes but a few numbers in text books. So that really makes it not worth chasing.
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