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Everything posted by RemyBolt

  1. Well done mate. How long did it take to get the permission? Make sure you work it well, and you'll get much more stuff recommended. Find where the vermin are, find a good shooting spot, pace the distance, then zero for that range (I can already hear Pianoman calling me lazy...yes, I'm lazy. I just sit and wait. No stalking or movement for me!) and sit back, relax, breath in the air, and take your time. Make sure you always make yourself available for the land owner (my main permission will update me WHENEVER they notice a few rats in a chicken house...sometimes at 11pm when they're shuttin
  2. Get a good springer, learn the basics well then if you change to a PCP, you'll be able to do a lot more. Although I'm a bit odd with my personal gun choices, I'd go with HW95 or HW97 as they are brilliant. Don't be scared of second hand. If you buy it for £250, and it's in good condition, if you look after it well, keep it in good full working condition, you'll hardly notice a drop is the resale price. If you sold it a year later, you should be able to sell it for £249.99 quite happily.
  3. Sorry I didn't see this Moxy. I'm out with my little Ratty all the time. I fricking love it! Keep it with CO2 if it's just plinking. Converting to compressed air is not a good idea if it's for a small kid. I started a post about CO2 and it quickly became "I love Crosman's because...." post. http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/329682-co2-anyone-else-or-is-it-just-me/ I hope that helps. JohnBaz is the man to talk to about moding 2250's As for playing around and customising them, I have kept mine as standard, aside from basic mods, e.g. scope, silencer, etc. I was VERY tempted
  4. Some much useful stuff here. I'm amazed nobody has recommended a nappy incase you crap yourself with fear! Truth be told, I'm sure you'll do a fine job. A few words that'll probably go down well, but I'd rephrase them to make them sound more genuine. "I remember when [insert name] was a young lad, we would climb trees, blar blar blar, crazy nights out, blar blar blar, we have had our ups and downs, but I know I could always rely on him. However, when I heard about this new woman he's met, I was worried I was going to lose a friend. I was scared she was going to change him. As it turns
  5. What's the difference between a blonde and a shopping trolley? A shopping trolley has a mind of it's own.
  6. I thought you were joking. It seems mental to do this kind of thing. Well, you are not joking: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-29718618 That's crazy. I'll do that. For every diagnosis I made, I get £55, right? An additional 10 or 11 diagnoses a month with pay monthly installments for a lovely new car! Crazy.
  7. What about a competition for "Why The Hunting Lifestyle?" Where people can base their argument for the hunting lifestyle, and it can then be put as a Chapter 1, in a book. Which then gets a competition to write up or develop that idea..for example: I shoot because......, which means I can........., this allows me to get back to my roots so that if...... Blar Blar Blar..... I trap because........., so I can get free, organic, free-range, carbon neutral rabbits for the pot......blar blar blar........ The country life means to me.........
  8. I think it would be good to try and encompass as much of the 'country lifestyle' as possible. Maybe a country cook-off (The Great THL Bake Off haha) or something like that. Then if you have a rabbit shooting story, pop a recipe to the end of it? The options are numerous. You could even do collaboration work between a photographer and a shooter, or a scrivener and a trapper, or something like that. So you could have a 'best collaboration' competition. This way a couple of novice shooters could help the sport's profile grow, or a person new to shooting, but with a passion for cooking, can really
  9. I tend to agree with Socks about it being the same people winning time after time. Personally, I love to write up my sessions, but I'm usually knackered and it comes out as slurred, tired eyed, dribble. And LOTS of it. Also, I doubt anyone actually reads it. I think I get people taking pity on me and posting "Nice write up" because nobody else has commented on my essay of a write-up haha. I think it'll be a great idea. Many people will enter the first one for sure, but if Socks is right, there will likely be a steep drop off in the entry rate if it is the top 3 winning time and again.
  10. I'd take the week to do all the think I wanted to do. Then when she came back, I'd bend her over, give her what for, then pop off camping for a week! No point being away from the house too long if you've got it all to yourself! Think it out. You'll be able to do all the things she goes mental at you for. You can pee in the sink, crap with the door open, go all week without showering, sleep diagonally on the bed, sleep on the sofa in front of the fire with empty cans of beer around the place and then you wake up realising the only reason you slept on the sofa was because you were too drunk
  11. RemyBolt


    California...the only place with gun control stricter than the UK. haha Have a great time. While in Vegas, go into the MGM Grande and check out Club 53 (it might be Club 52, or 54, or something like that. Last time I was there I remember looking up and seeing trapeze artists above us. Couldn't see a safety net, but it was pretty dark really. One thing you have to get us a photo of....Vegas Hooker! Not while she's working though. Just hanging out on a street corner is plenty.
  12. HAHA, A Vote For Mr Potato Head? Definitely voting UKIP. My expectation, hung parliament, ending up with another coalition, but with Tory and someone else. Hopefully UKIP, but I'm not holding my breath.
  13. Considering they're a specific breed of dog and they're actually farmed...and considering I'm not a dog person (we have 3 but they're 100% my wife's dogs)...I'm not too bothered.
  14. Why have India never won the Football World Cup? Because every time they're given a corner, they build a shop on it.
  15. Why does Ruppert the bear wear tartan trousers? Because he's a twat.
  16. I saw Moxy outside the hospital the other day, crying. I asked him, "mate what's up?" He said "I just got the news from the doctor. I've got the big C." "Aww Moxy, I'm sorry to hear that...cancer?" "No mate. Dyslexia."
  17. I thought this was about anti's and not whaling? I'm lost again.
  18. tinypic.com When you upload a pic on there you'll get a 'forum link'. Just copy and paste that link where you type a message/topic/reply.
  19. I've got a great joke about time travel. I'll tell you yesterday.
  20. Why did the boy drop his ice cream? Because he was hit by a bus.
  21. A guy was out with his mates in a club and disappears off to the toilet for a pee. When he was there, he noticed a little guy next to him having a pee. When he had finished he grabbed the little guy by the shoulder and said "Hey kid. You're not meant to be in here!" The kid turns round and is actually a midget. The midget turns round and, with a heavy Irish accent, says "Okay, ye got me. You can have me pot of gold, or I will grant ye 3 wishes." The guy was shocked and said "Ho, crap! I caught me a leprechaun." Thinking it out he figures he could always wish for the pot of gold
  22. There are much better shooting videos on youtube. Don't waste your time watching idiots break the law.
  23. If they're out in the day and not afraid of people...have some fun.
  24. I just really like coffee beans! Haha, I'm kidding (although I actually do love coffee beans). As Socks said...face. There's another one very similar to that with a babies face.
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