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Everything posted by RemyBolt

  1. I think a pinned post about "Don't be an idiot with a gun" would be a good idea
  2. Just to pop my 2 cents on here. How well can you shoot? If you're going to be out there shooting and maiming rabbits, I'd probably just start off going to a shooting club first and learning to get and keep a good grouping...regularly. One of the biggest issues with getting a gun and going out there, you don't know the law, and could end up in deep water or with a fine, or worse. Things like proximity to a road, public paths, backdrops, and knowing what's a safe shot to take, will all take time. Going out with a gun you've just got...potentially very dangerous. No offense, I'm sure
  3. I shoot both .22 and .177, I prefer .22 for ratting and .177 for rabbits. Reason being...I'm crap at sneaking up on rabbits, and rats just come out to the bait. The increased accuracy over the extra 5 meters for .177 is helpful, but the sound of a .22 on a rat is just beautiful. Using a .177 for a rat doesn't have the same *THUNK* sound as a .22 does. Going to be trying a spot of ratting with a .177 pistol soon! Exciting!!!!
  4. Einstein said "The universe and human stupidity are infinite, the former of which I am unsure about." Original poster is...hopefully BANNED! Can I push a petition for their banning, if they're not already?
  5. I've got some rubbish pictures of some smaller ratting sessions, but my phone's rubbish for sending them to tinyurl to then transfer on to here. I'll get on that tonight. The wife is back late today, so I should be able to get something sorted out soon.
  6. Indeed. But who is he again? Oh!! How's this secret thingy going that you were on about a bit back? Making a big step forwards, but also delayed too. It's super nerdy, but got a load of gear coming. It's a really bitter sweet thing though. A friend passed away and his dad is selling me all his shooting gear, so I can keep everything working for him. It's an agreement we had. If I passed, he'd be keeping my shooting going, so I'm going to honour him by using his gear a lot. So that's set me back with that project. But it's still on the go ahead.
  7. Long time no blabber...for me. But don't worry, I'm still here. Wouldn't have written this up if it's like the usual 3 or 4 after working at the farm...but this was something different! Okay, so many of you know I'm a sales manager. The farmer whose land I mainly shoot on has had a staffing issue and I've stepped in to help. Extra money is always nice, but the free fuel is even better! Anyway, I've been learning computer programming, and am picking eggs at the farm, on top of my usual job and responsibilities. Which is why I'm hardly online any more. But I picked up a new IR light the
  8. Good shooting. The black one looks like a dark Norwegian that's wet. It'll probably dry out and be much lighter. Good shooting though. I bagged me a black and white rat once. I assume it must have been a pet rat that escaped and made friends with then locals. Never thought that would happen. When a pet rabbit escapes, the wild rabbits usually kill it, if it's a male. So assumed the same for rats. Anyone know anything about this kind of behaviour?
  9. As one we sighed with joy. Paulus had a tingling in his toes to know you're okay. It was like his Spidey-Sense was tingling. It's the same with anyone else on the forum. If they're not okay, you need to be the first to know. That way you get first dibs on their hunting gear! Or at least I think that's how it works....right?
  10. Just seen the news. Barcelona chemical cloud thing with 3 people injured. Hope you're okay mate.
  11. Ain't that bad. A mate that shoots foxes on the farm I rat on got me one for skinning. Really not that bad. When it comes to poo though....I can't help but to gag like a wuss. So that part was minging and yes I did vomit :-( the same of it! However, I vomit at our dog's poo! So no real surprise there. As for the glands and smell. This one was a big dog fox. Balls bigger than mine. As for scent...where are you getting the foxes from? If it's from a chicken farm, the smell of the chickens is worse (might be why I coped so well with the smell), but really it wasn't that bad. Try skinn
  12. I had considered those options, but the farm equipment in the area ruined those plans :-( haha I think I'm going to try the "open barn/house door, park at a certain angle, then pop rats from inside the car, through an open window" technique.
  13. There are a lot of sayings attributed to Australian politicians, the majority are urban myths. An Australian politician DID say of the recent hostage situation, " I don't think it was politically motivated", even though the purpetrator was wearing an ISIS head band, put an Islamic flag up and demanded to be given an ISIS flag. I'm afraid Australian politicians are much the same as ours; out of touch with normal people. Normal Australians and are much the same as us, fed up with lying politicians, and the appeasement of extremists. Probably true. It may well be an urban legend. But the pri
  14. You wait for Jim to pick a name out the hat and he sends you a clootie. (Won't be you as you're too boring. ) Your honesty hurts :cray: haha
  15. Bloody genius!!! I'll give that a go. I can sit in my car, in the dark, and just pop happy for a while. Love it.
  16. I like the response an Australian Mayor said on live radio when being interviewed: Interviewer: "What do you think of the reports about terrorists being tortured with electric shocks?" Mayor "If it saves just 1 Australian life, I have three things to say. Red is positive. Black is negative. And make sure his balls are wet." The interview terminated immediately. I'd vote for him! That's all I'm saying.
  17. Is this a protest for 9/11 terrorism? A little slow on their organization skills.
  18. Have you got a multi-meter to check which have power and which don't?
  19. I'm not sure how this works, but I guess I'm in. Now what?
  20. You know when you go into a barn and the rats scatter everywhere? Anyone got any tips on how to take shots in this situation? I'm now helping the farmer by picking eggs and I set a few traps too. The fun bit now is that back in house 10 (where I had crazy shooting about a month ago) they're back. So, the farmer is leaving it unlocked for me. Only issue is, I'm not too keen on moving shots. Last time I took one it was a lucky/panic shot and severed a rat's spine (bloody lucky shot! The damn thing ran straight for me while I was reloading, didn't have time to aim, just point and shoot, glad
  21. I'm listening to the women in the office moan about Christmas Children Moody Stuff.
  22. Just heard from the girls at work, it's not 'wrong' to say Merry Christmas to people. CRAZY!!! Just a quick note, if anybody around here started trying to enforce this rule, how do you think the forum would respond to it? Granted we're not known for being politically correct, or anything like that, but we do seem to enjoy holding the traditional British ways, e.g. hunting! What's your view on that?
  23. Thanks guys. Not wasting my heard earned £5 on that red filter. Because I'm working enclosed, the back-lit screen lights everything up and the rats can obviously see me. So I was thinking of using an alternative lighting system to my NV system. I guess red light's not the answer then :-( Any suggestions?
  24. My new year's resolution....get my tagline changed to: Dominus Ratus Carnifex I'll be ratting as often as possible, and will get a crap load of photos and weekly write up's. If my project works out, I'll still be THL's Most Boring Member....oh wait , that's not good
  25. I'm with Norseman on this. I think you'll find that day is called Saturday, which is now called "Shopperday". Christmas is just her excuse to check the overdraft facility is working! haha
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