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Everything posted by RemyBolt

  1. That's cool Stig. Really pleased. My day was crap! But I am celebrating in your happiness :toast: :toast: :toast:
  2. Are these items going to be opening on eBay? Granted the interest from the forum will be massive, but it would be good to put it up to a wider audience too. Please note, I'm not trying to hold back any items from being won by forum members, just thinking of ways to increase sales.
  3. My only criticism Eggs....make sure you take out the pigeon next time. Clean head shot (with a safe backdrop of course). Pigeon Breast Burgers! Add a little cheese....mmm. Any more luck with the veg protection mate?
  4. That's some good shooting. I'm having a real issue with finding rabbits around here! Awesome bit of shooting by you both.
  5. Awesome read. Great shooting! Ten points for Little Hunter. I'm looking forward to him being on here and posting about how he is dragging his grandad out shooting. Great experiences and you can see the relationship you guys have is really good. Quality post.
  6. What a question. I've never tried lamping, but if anyone wants to PM me what it's all about and how to do it, that would be good. The closest I've come to lamping is probably while ratting. I love ratting and I love ratting with my cheap little Crosman RatCatcher. The name fits, so I like to stick with it. Also, it's damn good fun. I have tried a few variations with night shooting on rats, just not sure how easily they would convert to rabbit shooting. My first system was a normal torch held in my front hand that I'd pop on and off. This would give me about 2 seconds to find an
  7. so your saying if you couldn't afford a mixing bowl you would spend hours plugging up the holes in the cullender each time you needed a bowl, for the rest of your life Damn right I would! haha. I was thinking more the physical risk of being up on the roof
  8. Get that video on youtube and put the dog in an army costume with a mini sniper's rifle on it's back. You'll be rich!
  9. Very true Paulus. However, a long stick can be used to swipe them down (ha, as if I can speak, what with 3 or 4 of my last kills being unretrievable), but going up there and adding a mesh or similar, to the chimney, could well be considered as unreasonable in the context of the apparent danger presented by walking on a roof, or the cost of popping a could of jackdaws being more reasonable and affordable than paying someone else to bird proof your roof for you.
  10. Running just standard gun at the moment. So unless it's a manufacture issue, I can't see this being an issue. Good bit of info though Cedric. Thanks mate.
  11. i think you may find that you would need to prove all other methods have been tried and failed in order to meet the terms of the general license, i.e mesh ball on the chimney pots and bird proofing all access points to your roof, not trying to put you down or anything but if someone made a complaint you could get into grief very quickly, Technically not quite that bad. You simply have to justify it to yourself that you have taken that option after taking all other REASONABLE efforts. So, if going up on your roof and fitting sheeting or mesh over your roof was not a reasonable option....th
  12. Why didn't he just look into things like the writings of Style (Neil Strauss...awesome author, I met him and he's a f**king legend), Mystery (The Mystery Method), and other PUA's? What an idiot. If he became a PUA, he'd be able to pull so much more and would still be alive....loving every date and pleasurable moment, instead of being a dead kid. Congrats for proving nothing. Shame he's dead though. Would have been poetic justice for him to be in prison to watch programs like The Pick Up Artist, and the alike, to show him he could be getting laid by stunners. Totally agree with
  13. Yes, that would explain it in a lot less words. Didn't know the technical term for it.
  14. Hello everyone. I'm just having some trouble with my MTC Scope. The shots are all going low. Using a springer, and have tried to zero at 15, 20, 25, and 30 meters. Not once was I able to zero the scope vertically. I kept needing to increase the 'up' gauge. But it hit it's vertical adjustment limit. Initially I thought it must have been hold over, but when I increased the distance to zero, hoping to remove the need for holdover, it still was shooting low. Again, I applied maximum vertical adjustment, and still not shooting high enough. At no point was I able to sort it. So I've resorted
  15. That's awesome guys. Keep it going! Are you cutting down the amount for the ecig's?
  16. Haha, the thought did cross my mind, but my wife is a vegetarian, so I can't bring back any kills :-(
  17. Back down to my favourite permission to take out this forcefield Jedi Ninja Rabbit. When walking down the path to House 7 (it's really a barn but they call them houses! Crazy, hu?), I had the thought rushing through my mind, "The chickens are out, but I can't see anyone further down the path. Perfect! I'm the first one down to number 7, so Mr Bunny will be sat on the left hand side, as usual." While about 50 meters down the 100 meter track, I saw one of the farmers walking up from house (it's a f**king barn!!! Don't call it a house!!!) 9. Son of a.........Mr Bunny will not be there now! CR
  18. SNAP! I popped me a tree rat today and it fell straight into a nice flowing stream! Not retrievable :-(
  19. That's crazy! Explains why people are concerned about the idea of Wild Boar then.
  20. That's nuts. I have always heard they were strong. Makes sense why people used to feed bodies to pigs. Nice numbers. I was going out last night, but was going to bait, as it's a new permission, but with the rain, decided against it.
  21. Okay, here's the scene...I'm down my normal permission. It's massive, and has the worlds luckiest rabbit. We all know this rabbit's time is coming to an end. Which is why I head straight down to his normal stomping ground. I double check my zero; still good. When I get down to where Mr Rabbit usually is, he is nowhere to be seen. I spend 30 minutes waiting for him to pop out. Nothing. As I go around the other side of the barn, I see a quick movement. When I get my scope up on it, I do so just in time to see a Watership Down style run. As if slow motion, to mock me, as usual! This r
  22. Manson was basically a 'spiritual guru' back in the day, and ran a semi-cult style organisation that appealed to many musical stars at the time. He was friends with the Beach Boys, Steve McQueen, and they would frequently hang out together. With many of the current bands, their names are 'subtle' referrences to more sinister issues. Kasabian...as the original post says, is Charles Manson directed. Kaiser Cheifs...Kaiser Wilhelm II, whose death started WW2. Marilyn Manson is named after the 'entertaining dichotomy' of the names of 2 of the biggest names in the 60's, Charles Manson and Maril
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