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Everything posted by RemyBolt

  1. well, there is one born every minute................ Wait a minute...........do you mean........?
  2. If I win it, it might be claimed in a few years time mate.
  3. I have a lot of friends post stuff to me from China. They label it as Gift so do not have to pay inport taxes. If they ever forget to write GIFT, it can cost me a little. It all depends on the value of the item. Usually the delivery company will charge you at the door. If it's pick up from an office, e.g. post office, FedEx, etc, then they'll charge you at the pick up centre.
  4. 5am, and I'm slumping out of the bed, like a wet fish that's been left in the fun for too long. I get down to my "Saturday Morning" permission ready to bag me a bunny for the pot. I have promised the farmer a rabbit for the pot, and with being new to rabbiting with an air rifle (I'll pop rats with the best of them, but have picked up lazy habits from too much ratting haha), I am heavily disadvantaged. While driving down the long winding country lanes, as the birds wake up and start to flutter, I settle on a plan of action. The corner of the tree section at the side of House 4 (it's not
  5. My wife is looking to get me a birthday present for my 30th....I think I'll set her up an account and get her bidding too haha.
  6. Has anyone here tried the RWS Superdome pellets for hunting? I have been using Accu-Pell for a while and I love them. The local shop owner asked if I had tried some of the Superdome's and curiosity got the better of me, so I purchased a pack. Just had a little plink in the garden at 27 meters, and hitting my rat head spinner nearly every shot (if it goes wrong, I usually know why it has done, I scrutinise every shot in practice). So, with such an accurate pellet, I thought I'd ask if anyone has any experience with hunting with them. They do feel lighter than normal pellets. Any
  7. ask dymented that question, we are being persecuted and made out to be criminals by the media and the RSPCA. times have changed and make no mistake they are out to ban all hunting with dogs either by use of the law or intimidation, makes no difference what path you walk there all leading to the same place at the minute, to do nothing but to bury ones head in the sand will not stop this. Having your own morals/code of conduct isn't burying your head in the sand Paul,conducting yourself properly and educating people who want to be educated is about all you can do now....sadly these arse clowns
  8. I'll take a wild guess that it wont be the offering :laugh: I didn't think so either. Just seemed like he wanted someone to shoot foxes. I did think it odd. Oh well, that's fun with Dyslexia again haha.
  9. Do you hunt in the rain? If you do, how? What extra gear do you have with you?
  10. ask dymented that question, we are being persecuted and made out to be criminals by the media and the RSPCA. times have changed and make no mistake they are out to ban all hunting with dogs either by use of the law or intimidation, makes no difference what path you walk there all leading to the same place at the minute, to do nothing but to bury ones head in the sand will not stop this. Having your own morals/code of conduct isn't burying your head in the sand Paul,conducting yourself properly and educating people who want to be educated is about all you can do now....sadly these arse cl
  11. I'm not sure if you're asking someone to shoot on your land or offering to shoot on someone else's land?
  12. I have to agree with Paulus on this. As a shooter, I have the GL that can be viewed as a restriction of freedom or as protection for my actions. With Lurchers, it would make sense to have similar security. Coursing is beyond me, I don't get it, and I don't really have a burning desire to learn about it (I have many questions as personal curiosity, but I don't have enough desire to start a post on it. If you course and want to explain some stuff, please message me), but I do appreciate the tradition and all that. However, things like coursing for someone else's pet....not on!
  13. http://www.adviceguide.org.uk/scotland/housing_s/housing_problems_where_you_live_s/animals_and_pets_scotland.htm#h_animals_causing_a_nuisance If a farmer kills or injures your dog, s/he may offer as a defence that this was done to protect the livestock. Not enough detail :-( More checking is required.
  14. I'll double check this one out, just in case. I hope you're right.
  15. I use Bisley .22 Pest Control when ratting. They're just as effective and accurate as any other, mainly because I shoot over a short range, but the sound they make on impact is just so much more satisfying! A dead rat is dead, regardless of what kind of pellet hits it. Good feedback on the different kinds of pellets though. Very helpful info.
  16. If this keeps happening, all hunting is going to be banned! Cat Coursing....screwed up. If that was the situation, would you be in your right to kill the dog protecting your cat, in the same way a farmer is able to 'dispatch' a dog to protect his sheep/cattle? We have a cat in the house and if it meant I had to kill somebody's dog to save the cat then there would be no hesitation on my part ......... Completely agree mate. But would it be the legal course of action?
  17. If this keeps happening, all hunting is going to be banned! Cat Coursing....screwed up. If that was the situation, would you be in your right to kill the dog protecting your cat, in the same way a farmer is able to 'dispatch' a dog to protect his sheep/cattle?
  18. Go on TinyPic and upload that way. They provide a copy and paste link for forums.
  19. I think there is also the problem that many of todays kids will be seeing it like a computer game, like the mass shootings in the US, because the kids play too much Call of Duty. The mental health issues would be too many to consider. Testing would be paramount. Even then the probability of it working out, in a practical sense...zero. Our economy is in too deep a recession/depression to be able to support such an action. We have too much of a nanny-state to allow the kids to be shouted at. We have too weak a legal system to uphold any kind of child abuse allegations because junior got
  20. I can see a whole "How to build a....." section coming on.
  21. I'm not a dog person, and I would never personally want a pet dog, even though the wife has gone and gotten 3. I prefer cats and plants, so I agree about why want a pitbull, or any other dog haha. I'm kidding. I get the benefits of having a dog. However, the experiences I've had with Pits, and the more I learn about them, the more I want to get a pit, if I had to have a dog. Ideally none, but if I had to, from my own choice, a Pit. Having said that, I do recognise that I am not the right person to own a Pit, and neither do I know enough about training ANY dog. I taught one of them to d
  22. http://www.toptenz.net/top-10-misconceptions-about-pit-bulls.php http://www.aspca.org/pet-care/virtual-pet-behaviorist/dog-behavior/truth-about-pit-bulls Should You Keep a Pit Bull Away from Other Dogs? Pit bulls were genetically selected for their fighting ability. What does this mean? It doesn’t mean that they can’t be around other dogs, that they’re unpredictably aggressive or that they will always fight to the death. These are all common myths about pit bulls. It does mean that they may be easily encouraged to fight with other dogs. http://www.dontbullymybreed.org/ Pitb
  23. I think kids would be too fat to deal with it. You'd be looking at a lot of child heart bypass issues haha
  24. Vin, I can happily say I have never tried to split up 2 pits trying to fight. I could imagine it is near impossible. Gnasher, I do agree that I have certainly not seen a premier fighting dog. Reggie (not one of Ian's dogs) is the direct decendent of a pure fighter in Europe. Can't remember the breed. I think American Bulldog X, but not 100% sure. With the Caeser Millan comment, I'm 50:50 on that, I get where you're coming from, but don't fully agree. But people like Shorty Rossi and Tia Torres, who have Pitbull rescue centres for Pits, I do trust their knowledge. If I'm wrong, I'm happ
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