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Everything posted by RemyBolt

  1. Wow, it's been a long time since I was on here last. Manic life has kept me away, and I've hardly been out shooting either. Over the weekend I had a play about with my little RatCatcher (I love this gun, possibly too much), and the zero was perfect. I don't know how, because I've totally neglected it for a few months and it was slightly shooting to the right before. Out on my best mate's chicken farm yesterday...what a session! I was going to get photos, but we were both so hyped that only this morning I thought "Crap, I didn't get any photos!" My camera was even sat there on my passen
  2. Have you tried a sun shade? I was initially thinking it may well be a shine reflection. So was going to suggest black tape.
  3. Looks like a good shot. Was it back of the head to the front, front to back, or what? Just curious....and jealous.
  4. Found it. http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/319862-how-long-to-stay-loaded-with-a-springer/ I hope this helps. This was the quote: "If you couldn't leave it cocked no-one would hunt with it"
  5. I remember asking this same question a while ago. The consensus was that you could go on an all nighter cocked and loaded, fire the pellet off before you get into the car, and no harm done. The statement that stood out for me "If you couldn't leave it cocked, nobody would hunt with them [sprigers]." For me, that made enough sense.
  6. He's unwell and needs Gabapentin. Which has a side effect of increasing the twitch rate and number of active fibres in your muscles...which would make a person run faster. His team mate (same team same doctors, same coaches, same everything) was busted for drugs use. Oh and Jamaica was in trouble a while back because they didn't drugs test their athletes. Nope, he's clean HAHAHAHAHA, as if. Everyone knows bodybuilders are on drugs. Track cyclists have thighs as big as bodybuilders, and they're not on drugs? Seriously? They are. Cyclists are all asphmatic, and need inhalers! WHAT?!?! In
  7. I'll get some from my next outing.
  8. I think I said this on another thread, but farmers don't care about your lack of land. They care about what's in it for them. I guess that's probably true of most people though. When asking for permission, don't ask for land to shoot on. Ask how you can help them with pest control issues. If you've knocked on 20 doors and had 20 no's, that just means you're 20 steps closer to your yes! Now is the wrong time to quit. Now is the time to work harder. This might sound odd, but do you have a dog that you walk? In my experience all dog walkers are nice chatty people (well they are wh
  9. It just means he's a crap shot. I know how he feels haha. Pop a clean pellet, whether .177 .25, or anything inbetween, and it'll do the job.
  10. Springers are so much fun. Thank goodness for spares! I really do need to sort a spare out myself.
  11. 100% Organic Free-range Meat! Okay, that's a lie. I'm still getting frustrated with rabbits at the moment. Truth is, I always loved guns and used to shoot when I lived in Warrington, with a few friends. Met a woman and moved back down South (used to live in Basingstoke). So my love of the outdoors was easily rekindled, after the typical 1 year of marriage. That passion took me back into bushcraft and living off the land. Slowly this progressed into the study of tracking, then learning about other tracking systems. After a while I decided to get out my old ratting air rifle, and go
  12. My top tip, take your time and absorb knowledge like a sponge. One of the most obvious things, practice, practice, practice and more practice. But practice all elements of hunting, whether shooting, concealment, fieldcraft, and everything else. Try and get friendly with some guys from the shooting club. They'll be able to help you out a lot.
  13. One of the best shots I've ever seen on a rat was with .177 while it was going over the top of a window frame. Was out with the farmer and his son. I was sat with the farmer's son letting him use the night vision to check for rats and as soon as I saw the rat over the window frame I popped the torch on my light on and lit up this rat. Over my head the farmer pulled the trigger and shot it clean dead! Considering he reacted in near zero time....stunning! He was resting up over the egg belt. I can only assume he knew the rats would be going over there and was just waiting and aiming. But what it
  14. Well, this was a totally mixed experience. Set off to a new permission, same farmer friend but he's now taken over another site. He had found their main network and routes, so I decided to set up close in on what is possibly the most comfortable ratting spot I've ever enjoyed. You know when you're a kid and you'd sit on a wall and dangle your legs over the edge of a wall? It was kind of like that, but it was about a meter high, and 10 meters on the upper flat. So there I was, legs dangling over the edge, full night vision up and running. Rat 1 pops his head out. Rat 1 gets his
  15. I scrolled down and saw the picture, I thought, that's not a disaster. That's a good bag. When I read the write up, as soon as you said about the Sling...my stomach turned. How's the gun doing?
  16. I was going to respond with my earlier question of 'wouldn't a larger FAC AR pellet have similar downward force as a .22lr if at the end of the arch?" I could see this conversation becoming circular.
  17. That would probably explain it DanW. Also, with me being from up north originally, and only being down here for a few years.... Plus I'm a tight bugger and shop around a lot.
  18. The inquisitive mind requires knowledge. You know me Moxy, I am desperate to learn all I can....like counting to 3 (almost there! Just 4 more numbers to go!)
  19. To upload pics, go here http://tinypic.com/ Once you've uploaded it, copy the link for "To put picture into a forum" then paste it in the part where you're writing. Done! I be Nerd!
  20. But, with an FAC air rifle, shooting a similar size pellet, would that not cause the same damage? I'm thinking terminal velocity, air resistance, gravitational accelleration being the same on all objects, and things like that, wouldn't the same size pellet from an air rifle do the same damage? Unless the 22lr was able to hold more of it's speed than the FAC AR.
  21. Some beautiful words there Walshie! Love it. I love the spoken word and written work. In the office we play a game where someone finds a long word and we have to work out what it means. Brilliant for extending the vocabulary. What high jinx and japes you must have ............ Haha, we are an office of nerds. Busted! Today's word Sphallolalia - Flirtacious talk that leads nowhere. Interestingly, very useful for selling stuff! "Tony, you need to use more sphallolalia on the phone. After which you can go and get gambrinous." Gambrinous - To be full of beer.
  22. Your right I can see why my wife had depression. It has nothing to do with her dad dying when she was young, a childhood of bullying, and things like that. It's because I like to talk a lot. 10 points for you, congratulations. Now, if your wife ever becomes suicidal, remind me to make a joke about that too....and blame you for her problems. There are some thing that are better left unsaid, no matter how funny you think they might be. Especially if you are having fun at another person's suffering or if you have no idea of the extent of what they've been through, But congratulations. Tha
  23. Fair question. If your local gun shop has one in, phone them up and ask them to measure it up for you, including chokes. My local shop is Sportman Gun Centre, and they're helpful beyond belief. But they are not the cheapest....which isn't an issue most the time. I'm sure they'd be very happy to help.
  24. Really? I've heard that said plenty and imo it's complete bollocks. A 40gr lead slug falling at it's terminal velocity... I find it hard to believe it would leave much more than a bloody bruise at most. US presidents have been shot with .22lr's (relatively longer ranges than 100 meters, so not sure about terminal velocity under gravity) as assassination attempts and have barely realised, so I do question this also.
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