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About boothyboy

  • Rank
    Born Hunter

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  • Gender
  • Location
    south of alaska
  • Interests
    propa working terriers

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  1. hows things digging lads....

  2. if i remember [BANNED TEXT] bronzey black mate nuttall wi dash of wheeler stuff in him pal
  3. is the dog in run a borderxlakey type mate,smart dogs pal
  4. great stuff pal atb with him.ive 2 5month old pups wat shud beready for the new season fingerz crossed they make the grade.keep digging,bb
  5. looks a cracker wat lines is he,she pal.atb,bb
  6. great pik that pal.smileing int he pal.
  7. a good write up mate its good to here how the the parents did you pround atb great write up mate.atb bb
  8. !tony! another from yestdy cheers again..BILLY.
  9. !tony! mate hes made the working oldies....BILLY.
  10. great stuff pal shes doing good stuff.great [BANNED TEXT] the seniors still graft it...
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