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Everything posted by ratz

  1. Picked this stunning ferret up yesterday, many thanks LURCHER 83 She's settled in nicely and is tucking into half a rabbit at the moment
  2. PM'd you, i can pick up asap if he's still available as im also in warrington area
  3. Looking for a couple of ferrets for my 8yr old son to take out, so must be friendly Can collect from Cheshire/Manchester/Liverpool areas
  4. Not bothered...either will do
  5. Im looking for a ferret (or 2 preferably) for my 8yr old son to take out ferreting with me. Can collect from Cheshire/Liverpool/Manchester areas. Cheers
  6. They're lovely! They look just like my 2 Carpet Shark and Smelly (My 6yr old son named 'em )
  7. Lol i just googled ..too far away im in Cheshire. Looks like it'll have to be more kits
  8. My kits are 7 weeks now , we were given them at 6 weeks. They are doing really well and im currently feeding them on chicken wings, rabbit and mince. We just wanted some older ones aswell, after being given some hutches and runs. But the couple of rescues we have tried wont rehome to working homes and want to do a homecheck etc...(think the homecheck was to make sure they were to be housed indoors and fed on commercial food etc, that was the feeling i got anyway) I'll google GEM and see how far they are from us:)
  9. Thanks Gibby, I have tried a couple but as soon as you mention working they dont want to know Thats why i thought id try here
  10. Hiya, Im currently looking for some older ferrets (over 1yr) hobs or gills in the North West. These must be good for handling as my 6yr old son has decided that he loves playing with the stinkers! We already have 2 kits, and have tried everywhere to get some older ones who we can may be even work come september. So if anyone can help that would be great
  11. Aww thanks for the offer
  12. i am sure that there will be some dirty old bugger from down your way who will be able to help all joking aside :welcomeani: And thanks for the welcome!
  13. Hiya, thought id better introduce myself Im a 29 year old lass and i live in Cheshire, but originally from Cornwall where i used to go shooting (rabbits and pheasants), fishing and also did a bit of falconry. Ive decided that id like to try ferreting and have just got myself 2 6 week hob kits, which eventually i would like to work. Im also looking for some adult ferrets, but they seem to be hard to come by at the moment Im trying to find any local hunting groups or lovely helpful peeps who live local who wouldnt mind taking me with them when the hunting season starts again...cos i
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